Monsoon, a major wind system that seasonally reverses its direction—such as one that blows for approximately six months from the northeast and six months from the southwest. The most prominent monsoons occur in South Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Pac
the seasonal reversal ofwinddirection in this area is almost as persistent as that in India (seeIndian monsoon). The winter winds of northeastern Asia are much stronger because of the relativeproximityof theSiberian anticyclone. The tropical ridge of highpressureis the natural boundary between these...
During the monsoon in Karnataka, Maravanthe becomes one of the most scenic beach roads which is why you ought to take a road trip here. It is one of the best places to visit in monsoon in Karnataka. Location: Byndoor Taluk, Karnataka, IndiaSpecialty: It is just 20 to 30 feet away ...
Urbanization and economic development in this region cause air pollution and frequent haze events (Kwok et al., 2010; Wang, Lyu, et al., 2016). Lan et al. (2013) found that BC accounted for approximately 11% of the mass concentration of PM2.5 in SC via observations in megacities. Wu ...
The poleward limits of monsoon systems are often sites of sharp changes in wind direction. InIndia, for example, the monsoon blows from the southwest in July and August, and north of India the winds are from the east. In northern Australia the monsoon arrives from the northwest during Januar...
In particular, the dataset provides climate data at approximately the same spatial scale—0.50 × 0.66-degree resolution in the meridional and zonal direction, respectively—as the yield data we are analyzing (see below) and as such is more relevant than station-based data for characterizing the ...
(with OLR values lower than 190 Wm−2) in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, the northeastern part of India and the central portion of TP. During the SASM active period (Figure 3b), the strong convective activities over the Bay of Bengal and North India both intensified and ...
It is negative on the eastern side and approximately balances the vorticity increase due to stretching. It is positive over the western side and favors the westward propagation of the vortex. The vertical advection and tilting term are small, away from the orographic slopes. These terms become ...
Figure 2 illustrates the high correlation in PWV (R > 0.96) between 4 RS stations and the chosen co-located GNSS stations, and the mean RMSE of approximately 3 mm conforming to the standard of GNSS PWV applied to meteorology [35]. Most stations exhibit positive mean biases at different time...