The Indian Ocean Dipole and monsoon predictability; developments under the Frontier ProgrammeSwadhin BeheraJ LuoS MassonH SakumaT YamagataSWADHIN BEHERA
Model predictions suggest that the Arctic will experience its first ice-free summer by the mid-21st century or even earlier19,20,21,22. Recent research has increasingly supported the notion that the loss of sea ice in the Arctic will not only influence the weather and climate within the ...
This paper analyses the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) influence on climate variations over East Asian monsoon region, based on CAS's IAP AGCM-Ⅱ with Equator East Pacific SSTA influence on or not. The results show that the South China Sea summer monsoon will break out later than usual, the inte...
Impact of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon on the Indian Ocean Dipole Geophysical Research AbstractsLi, JianpingZhang, YazhouXue, JiaqingFeng, JuanWang, QiuyunXu, YidanWang, YuehongZheng, Fei
Empirical forecasting and Indian Ocean dipole teleconnections of south–west monsoon rainfall in KeralaRainfall is a vital hydrologic variable that has a direct and significant impact on the economic development of monsoon-dominated state of Kerala in southern India. An effective approach providing......
The SST pattern differences may additionally involve intricate interactions between ENSO and the Indian Ocean Dipole, which are beyond the scope of this study.4 Discussion and ConclusionsThis study examined the influence of TSI on the evolution of the ENSO-ASM teleconnection over the LM using the ...
Tamilnadu has been divided into ten homogeneous clusters of districts and the predictions are made for each cluster with lead times of two and one months using Indian Ocean dipole mode (IODM) index. A stronger western pole of IODM during August-September is associated with enhanced northeast ...
Indian summer monsoon simulations in successive generations of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Ravi Kumar Raju Pathak Saroj K. Mishra Theoretical and Applied Climatology(2023) Diagnosing whether the increasing horizontal resolution of regional climate model inevitably capable of adding value: investigation...
Terray P, Chauvin F, Douville H (2007) Impact of southeast Indian ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on monsoon-ENSO- dipole variability in a coupled ocean--atmosphere model. Clim Dyn 28:553-580. doi:10.1007/s00382-006-0192-yTerray P, Chauvin F, Douville H (2007) Impact of the ...
ensomonsoonoceanindianonsetsea 书ActaOceanoIogicaSinica2006,VoI.25,No.6,p.22~32!Correspondingauthor, ANGZhaoning1,WENZhiping...