MONROE蒙诺减振器(减震器) 蒙诺是全球领先的悬挂系统OE配套减振器供应商,供应全球OE及售后高品质汽车减振器,乘用车减振器,卡车减振器,厢式货车减振器,工业卡车减振器,轻型卡车减振器,天纳克减振器,万里路减震器,减振器维修包,8万公里更换减振器。
Monroe Shocks & Struts 31000 Write the First Review Part Number:MON-31000MM Not Available Monroe Monro-Matic Plus Shocks and Struts Shock, Monroe Matic Plus, Each See More Specifications Summit Racing Equipment SpeedCard View Details|See if you Prequalify ...
Monro-Matic Plus Car Shocks from Monroe provide an ideal balance of comfort and control for any driving condition.
Monro-Matic® Plus truck shock absorbers provide an ideal balance of comfort and control for any driving condition. Economical Replacement Alternative Nitrogen gas-charged design Velocity Proportional Valving (VPV) technology provides proportional damping based on the speed of vehicle-to-road impa...
Monro-Matic® Plus struts provide an ideal balance of comfort and control for any driving condition. Economical Replacement Alternative Nitrogen gas-charged design Velocity Proportional Valving (VPV) technology provides proportional damping based on the speed of vehicle-to-road impact for a smooth ride...
Monroe® Monro-Matic Plus® shock and struts provide an ideal balance of comfort and control for any driving condition at an economical price.
万里路系列是蒙诺旗下子品牌,由Tenneco天纳克全球工程师团队合作研发,产品经过冲压检测和道路测试,确保产品的可靠性能,使车主享受舒适的驾乘体验。 全新蒙诺万里路Monro-Matic Plus ® 减振器具备五大产品功能: 连杆去氢工艺:预防断裂,杜绝意外,连杆品质有保障,更安全。