#39. Florida - Average one-way commute time to work: 27.4 minutes (3.0% higher than national average) --- Driving alone in car, truck, or van: 26.9 minutes --- Carpool: 28.3 minutes --- Public transportation: 49.9 minutes - Workers with commutes over 60 minutes: 8.1% (#17 among st...
When I saw a tweet that claimed that a man flagged down a cop just to slap him in the face I was like, "Come on Florida what is wrong with you?". Imagine my surprise when I found out that the incident happened right here in the Bayou State. In Monroe of all places. In case yo...
I consider myself rather as the instrument than the cause of the union which has prevailed in the late election. In surmounting, in favor of my humble pretensions, the
in purchasing the territory at the mouth of the Mississippi—including the island of New Orleans—authorizing him at the same time to cooperate withCharles Pinckney, the minister at Madrid, in securing from Spain the cession of East and West Florida. On April 18 Monroe was further commissioned ...