Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to monotonically:Monotonically increasing,Monotonically decreasing mon·o·tone (mŏn′ə-tōn′) n. 1.A succession of sounds or words uttered in a single tone of voice. 2.Music
If a functionf(x)has a derivativef′(x) that is nonnegative at every point and that vanishes only at a finite number of individual points, thenf(x)is an increasing function. Similarly, iff′(x) ≤ 0 and vanishes only at a finite number of points, thenf(x)is a decreasing function....
is checking for monotonically decreasing instead of strictly monotonically decreasing. Even if dts is equal to d.prevDTS it is still monotonically increasing (mathematically). And as @adriano-peniche has mentioned, I am going to test this out with my use-case (where I am facing this error) ...
Symmetrically, we define also the class RC of right computable real numbers by the limits of computable decreasing sequences of rational numbers. Left and right computable real numbers are called semi-computable. We denoted by ≔SC≔LC∪RC the class of all semi-computable real numbers. The ...
Similarly, we can check whether the function is strictly decreasingjust by flipping the sign of the comparison operator: function checkDecreasing(int arrayOfDigits, int arraySize): ... if delta >= 0 then: return false ... The rest of the function remains unchanged. ...