1)monotone increasing单调递增 1.The reason of the conflict between NPV and IRR is that the two indexes can not always assure their monotone increasing relation and the definition formulas of two indexes themselves determine their conflict,but not other reasons.NPV与IRR非自洽性的原因在于两个指标之间...
monotone decreasing function monotone decreasing sequence monotone function monotone increasing function monotone increasing sequence monotone nondecreasing function monotone nondecreasing sequence monotone nonincreasing function monotone nonincreasing sequence
5.(Mathematics)mathsAlso:monotonic(of a sequence or function) consistently increasing or decreasing in value Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Determining if a Function is Monotonically Increasing or Decreasing A monotonically increasing function has a positivederivative(slope) for all points. The reverse is true for monotonically decreasing functions; The derivative is negative at all points. Therefore, if you can figure out what the derivat...
adjective of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value adjective sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch noun an unchanging intonation noun a single tone repeated with different words or different rhythms (especial...
This point of view is particularly interesting for the entropy dissipation (47), which obviously is an increasing function of the collision kernel. Therefore, to bound (47) from below for a given collision kernel B, it is sufficient to bound it below for an auxiliary, simplified collision ...
English Definition (形) As an adjective Sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch. Of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value. (名) As a noun An unchanging intonation. A single tone repeated with differ...
By Definition 3, for all . This implies that is the right neutral element of Q.□ In the next proposition we will denote by the co-domain of a function f. Proposition 6 Let be an arbitrary MSF. Then there exists an increasing function such that and , for every a function and a ...
In recent years, the city rhythm of life, living environment and the destruction of the monotonous, an increasing number of people who desire to get close to nature, and into the natural, physical and mental relaxation, the total return, self- ...
1) monotone increasing 单调递增1. The reason of the conflict between NPV and IRR is that the two indexes can not always assure their monotone increasing relation and the definition formulas of two indexes themselves determine their conflict,but not other reasons. NPV与IRR非自洽性的原因在于两个...