为了避免使得自然垄断企业破产,政府可以限制价格以让他们赚取normal profit 美国最常见的对于自然垄断企业的政府手段是Use price regulation 面对自然垄断可以使用Public Ownership公有制。好处很明显,因为政府不是要去追求利润最大化要QmPm,所以价格对于消费者来说会更低,如果政府能运行好Pc=MC;价格=边际成本,就不会有...
Explain whether companies under perfect competition as well as monopoly are making profits in the long run? If yes, why? If not, why not? For what reasons would you expect a monopoly to charge (a) a higher price, and (b) a lower price than if the industry we...
The monopolist will generally charge prices well in excess of production costs and reap profits well above a normal interest return on investment. His output will be substantially smaller, and his price higher, than if he had to meet established market prices as in perfect competition. The monopo...
From a theoretical point of view this is a strange argument, since monopolies do not profit by making things more widely available. Strange arguments abounded during the debate over the CTEA. An often used one was that the US media and entertainment industry needed the extension to keep up ...