The following is a breakdown of the upcoming events for Monopoly Go in the month of July 2024. Most of this comes from datamined information, and even then, the exact date of when they will occur is unknown. Still, we’ll provide some predictions of when we think cert...
Landmark Rushis a limited-time event where players earn rewards for completing landmarks. Landmarks are special properties that can be upgraded to earn more rewards. A good example is theAll Cloud Cruisin' eventin Monopoly GO. Board Rushis a limited-time event where players earn rewards for...
Partner events drop at least once a month inMonopoly GO, showcasing rewards like tokens and even wild stickers. Here’s everything we know about the nextMonopoly GOPartner event. When does Desert Bloom Monopoly GO Partner event start? Get your friends or online teammates to join you for a ...
雨后也在一直关注着它的活动设计与架构,今天我想简单聊聊《MonopolyGO》目前的3个大型活动Event形成的活动矩阵,以及他们的设计和内核感受与游戏核心体验的化学反应。上线即霸榜的《MonopolyGO》 畅销榜 《Monopoly GO》“P-P-T”活动3巨头 目前在《Monopoly GO》的日常10余种LiveOps类活动之外,会额外上线3个每次...
TheMonopoly Goevent schedulefor boost times in February 2024 will be important to pay attention to. We’re about halfway through theMonopoly Origins sticker album, with many players getting close to finishing it for the first time or even their second if they have been dilig...
Monopoly GO的活动矩阵 一直以来,《Monopoly GO》《Coin Master》等都被业内划分为Social Casino的游戏类型,即“即拥有Casino的内核机制,又拥有休闲/社交游戏的表现和规则”,而《Monopoly GO》的“P-P-T”活动矩阵,各自更是贯彻执行了这个游戏类型的内核,并且将其发扬光大。
《Monopoly GO》“P-P-T”活动3巨头 目前在《Monopoly GO》的日常10余种LiveOps类活动之外,会额外上线3个每次持续4-5天左右的大型活动,分别是Prize Drop(Peg-E)、Partners、Treasures3个活动,个人将其简称为“PPT”3活动,这3个活动会和无活动时间一齐组成完整的20天活动周期,并持续循环开启,这套活动循环已经成...
If the third-party platform has an achievements system to measure and show you your achievements in the games you play, and only if you have provided your consent to the third-party platform provider, we will send event data (for example, that you reached a certain level in MONOPOLY Poker...
Monopoly GO has got a new event called Spooky Soiree, and we have all the official information about its rewards and milestones. Recommended Videos The new event features 49 tiers of rewards in total, and you will need to earn points in order to unlock them. This guide will tell you ...
Monopoly GO’s fourth Partners event of 2024, Fountain Partners, is live. For five days, you’ll work alongside four other players to collect tokens, gain points, and reach milestones to win valuable prizes. Here’s every Fountain Partners event reward in Monopoly GO. Recommended Videos All ...