解析 错.垄断竞争企业有一定的垄断势力,其定价高于MC.具体公式为P=MC/(1+1/Ep)结果一 题目 微观经济学题目 In the short run, a firm in monopolistic competition produces where P = MC. 对or错 答案 错.垄断竞争企业有一定的垄断势力,其定价高于MC.具体公式为P=MC/(1+1/Ep)相关推荐 1微观经济学题目...
For a firm under monopolistic competition in the short-run, the profit maximization usually occurs at a quantity where the marginal cost is equal to... See full answer below.Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask...
微观经济学题目 In the short run, a firm in monopolistic competition produces where P = MC. 对or错 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 错.垄断竞争企业有一定的垄断势力,其定价高于MC.具体公式为P=MC/(1+1/Ep) 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
MonopolisticCompetition •Imperfectcompetitionreferstothosemarketstructuresthatfallbetweenperfectcompetitionandpuremonopoly.•不完全竞争是指那些介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间的市场结构。TheFourTypesofMarketStructure NumberofFirms?ManyfirmsTypeofProducts?Onefirm Fewfirms Differentiatedproducts Identicalproducts Monopoly(...
1. 如果选择了perfect competition market structures,并在short-run里只获得了或者选择了subnormal profits,那么在long-run的时候会有什么变化,好处或者不足。2. 如果选择了monopolistic competition market structures,并在short-run里只获得了或者选择了subnormal profits,那么在long-run的时候会有什么...
Monopolistic Competitors in the Short Run... 短期中的垄断竞争企业 短期的垄断利润激励企业进入. 产品供应增加. 需求减少. 需求曲线向左移. 产品需求下降,利润降低. Monopolistic Competition in the Short Run 短期的经济亏损刺激企业退出市场. 由此: 生产的数量减少了. 留下的企业面临的需求增加了. 留下企业的...
Table 17.1 Comparing Monopolistic Competition with Monopolies and Competition Markets 17.2 Understanding the Monopolistically Competitive Market In this section, we will examine how businesses make decisions in a monopolistically competitive market. We consider their choices, first, in the short-run, then...
短期中的垄断竞争企业Monopolistic Competitors in the Short Run... 短期中的垄断竞争企业Monopolistic Competition in the Short Run 短期经济利润鼓励新企业进入市场。这导致: Short-run economic profits encourage new firms to enter the market. This: 增加产品提供的数目 Increases the number of products offered...
Monopolistic Competitors in the Short Run... 短期中的垄断竞争企业短期的垄断利润激励企业进入. 产品供应增加. 需求减少. 需求曲线向左移. 产品需求下降,利润降低. Monopolistic Competition in the Short Run 短期的经济亏损刺激企业退出市场. 由此: 生产的数量减少了. 留下的企业面临的需求增加了. 留下企业的...
the short run, but in the long run, they make zero economic profit. The latter is also a result of the freedom of entry and exit in the industry. Economic profits that exist in the short run attract new entries, which eventually lead to increased competition, lower prices, and high ...