The main outcome measures were a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (ICD-8: 296.09, 298.09, 300.4; ICD-10: F32) requiring hospital contact. Results Infectious mononucleosis was associated with a 40% increased hazard ratio (HR) for a subsequent depression diagnosis in the fully adjusted model...
ICD-10) code G35. To ensure diagnostic accuracy, 2 MS diagnoses recorded at a minimum of 6 months apart were required, which makes exclusion of misdiagnoses and relevant differential diagnoses more likely.19 Validation studies have shown a high level of accuracy both for MS diagnoses (positive ...
Infectious mononucleosis was defined as ICD-10 code B27.9 and ICD-9 code 075. Absolute numbers of cases of IM per age band were converted to rates per 100,000 person-years for each 5-year age band using mid-year population estimates from Office for National Statistics (ONS) as the ...