用这个方法安装上monocle包之后,再load,成功了,再次运行orderCells,成功了! 到此,这个问题成功解决!!!然而? 问题真的解决了吗? 继续运行脚本,在运行到BEAM函数运行的时候又出现了如下报错: > BEAM_res <- BEAM(cds[expressed_genes[1:20],], branch_point = 1, cores = 1) Error in if (progenitor_meth...
报错的具体信息: cds<-orderCells(cds)# Error in graph.adjacency.dense(adjmatrix, mode = mode, weighted = weighted, :# long vectors not supported yet: ../../src/include/Rinlinedfuns.h:138# Calls: orderCells ... project2MST -> graph.adjacency -> graph.adjacency.dense -> .Call 这个报...
R升级为4.2版本后,做单细胞谱系发育分析,运行monocle至ordercell的时候报错 Monocle2的报错最经典的就是运行orderCells函数会报错: Error in if (class(projection) != "matrix") projection <- as.matrix(projection) : 方法一 解决问题的方法就是从源码开始。 大部分人搜索得到的解决方法是这样: 然而实际上我在...
4. save the 'order_cell.R' file. 5. windows 安装7-Zip软件,先压缩成tar文件,再压缩成gz文件。 6. 安装monocle_2.24.0.tar.gz软件。 7.Done. and managed to run the 'orderCells(cds)'.
monocle 2.24.1 orderCells() Error in if (isSparseMatrix(counts)) { : the condition has length > 1 Calls: subMonocle2 ... estimateSizeFactors -> .local -> estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix 查到的常规解决办法是https://github.com/cole-trapnell-lab/monocle-release/issues/486 ...
bug2: project2MST函数报错 寻找源码中project2MST函数的位置,这个函数的定义在R/order_cells.R文件中。 代码语言:javascript 复制 grep project2MSTR/*R # R/order_cells.R: cds <- project2MST(cds, project_point_to_line_segment) #project_point_to_line_segment can be changed into other states ...
复制 ## 识别轨迹 cds<-learn_graph(cds)p=plot_cells(cds,label_groups_by_cluster=FALSE,label_leaves=FALSE,label_branch_points=FALSE) 代码语言:javascript 复制 ##细胞按拟时排序 # cds<-order_cells(cds)存在bug,使用辅助线选择root细胞 p+
sc_cds 下面是monocle对新构建的CellDataSet 对象的标准操作, 注意estimateDispersions这步的时间和电脑配置密切相关,甚至如果电脑内存不够,还会报错! sc_cds<- estimateSizeFactors(sc_cds) sc_cds <- estimateDispersions(sc_cds) 轨迹分析需要指定基因
save the 'order_cell.R' file. copy the 'monocle' folder and paste to the location where I usually install my packages. In R studio, using the command to load the 'monocle' folder: devtools::load_all("path to the location/monocle") 7.Done. and managed to run the 'orderCells(cds)'...