VSTplug单声道到立体声软件包附带以下插件(在VST2,VST3 32和64位Windows兼容DLL文件中): -VSTplug单声道至立体声++:H. Lauridsen多频带单声道至立体声技术。 -VSTplug单声道立体声:H. Lauridsen单波段单声道立体声技术。 -VSTplug单声道至立体声LA ++:Robert Langford(LA)多频段单声道至立体声...
Audio effect plugin designed to spatially-enhance mono sounds and create the stereo, surround, and depth effects.
Mono To StereomusiXboy 添加于 2005-02-06 · 分享到微信 暂无评论 产品信息 插件格式: VST 2.x 功能类型: 声音通路 简单介绍: 单声道到立体声 操作系统: 最高版本: 1.0 媒体价格: 免费 下载信息: 免费下载 软件详情 大旋钮控制采样率支持到-24bit-192khz简单实用增加声像扩展用途:1 想把一个...
Stereo to Mono Try musiXboy添加于2005-02-06· 分享到微信 产品信息 插件格式:VST 2.x 功能类型:声音通路 简单介绍:立体声转单声道 操作系统: 最高版本:1.0 媒体价格:免费 下载信息:免费下载 软件详情 有时候需要将立体声的东西变成单声道来听,但一些音频软件没有这个实时的功能。
These width controls range from completely mono at their minimum point, to completely unchanged at their maximum. The changes are clearly displayed in an easily intuitive stereo width envelope. Automatic phase alignment Stereo effects which use phase shifting can cause cancellations and superpositions of...
The saturating output section adds modern width control through its innovative stereo spread feature, perfect for contemporary productions. Thoughtfully Enhanced While staying true to the original workflow, Mono One introduces powerful modern features: Tempo-synchronized modulation with phase adjustment and ...
Stereoizer Elements is a simplified version of Stereoizer, giving access to all three of its stereo width algorithms via one straightforward control. FIND OUT MORE Product specifications Available formats We support AAX, VST3, AU and AudioSuite in 64-bit. ...
Every time I import a stereo file and click “split channels” to get two separate mono tracks, the left one works fine with mono plugins but the right one needs stereo plugins to work. Same thing happens when I try to use my hardware eq or preamp (I onl
均衡SSL X-EQ Stereo(0) WinRAR(0) Ubuntu 18.04(0) SAM机架连线图(0) SAM效果包(0) ENFI下载器(0) 视频播放器(0) R3混响器(0) PotPlayer(0) Ultrafunk R3混响器(0) TC native reverb 3(0) TC native(0) OneKey(0) TC native reverb(0) Sam Pro v12机架(0) Revolution 2×2声卡驱动官方下...
Mono-to-Stereo Surround / Comments Plug-in ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖GEQ Graphic Equalizer (V9) - LatencyThe table below indicates how much latency is produced by each plugin, in samples.Not all plugins support all platforms (MultiRack, StudioRack, eMotion, Venue). Check the Supported Platforms table...