threadpool_class = mono_class_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib,"System.Threading","ThreadPool"); g_assert (threadpool_class);if(!unsafe_queue_custom_work_item_method) unsafe_queue_custom_work_item_method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (threadpool_class,"UnsafeQueueCustomWorkItem",2); g...
klass = mono_class_from_name(image,"System","AppDomain");if(!klass) { ERR("Couldn't get class from image\n");returnE_FAIL; } method = mono_class_get_method_from_name(klass,"get_CurrentDomain",0);if(!method) { ERR("Couldn't get method from class\n");returnE_FAIL; } args[0]...
MonoImage *mono_assembly_get_image(MonoAssembly *assembly); MonoClass *mono_class_from_name(MonoImage *image,constchar* name_space,constchar*name); and then loop in the returned class method array until you get the one you’re looking for. There are examples of such searches as static fun...
NameValueType of replyAdditional parametersPossible error code returned GET_INFO1Returns the following informations about the type in that order: namespace (string), class name (string), full name (string), AssemblyID (id), ModuleID (id), TypeID (id), TypeID (id) of underlying type (or ...
void (*emit_struct_conv_full) (MonoMethodBuilder *mb, MonoClass *klass, gboolean to_object, int offset_of_first_child_field, MonoMarshalNative string_encoding); MonoMethod* (*get_method_nofail) (MonoClass *klass, const char *method_name, int num_params, int flags); MonoMethod** (*get...
Bugfix: glfwGetJoystickUserPointer returned NULL during disconnection (#2092) [Win32] Added the GLFW_WIN32_KEYBOARD_MENU window hint for enabling access to the window menu [Win32] Added a version info resource to the GLFW DLL [Win32] Made hidden helper window use its own window class [Win...
mongo语句查询条件中出现null或空串,可能会导致索引失效,查询优化器无法选择正确的查询计划,出现慢查询引起服务异常 mongo查询的执行计划使用了LRU缓存,在很多种情况下会失效,导致重新选择执行计划并缓存,供后续同类查询直接使用; 服务开始时一直运行正常,当执行计划失效后,恰好出现null值的查询导致选择了错误的执行计划并...
valueOf()的实现是调用父类Enum的valueOf(Class enumType, String name)方法,相比于父类的两个参数,此处只有一个String类型的形参,功能是根据字符串获取对应的枚举变量。 2、static代码块的内容: 第一个大红框是对四个静态常量的赋值,比如0-10行对应着:SPRING = new Season(SPRING", 0);以此类推。
// 04-gtk/03-signup using System; using Gtk; class MainClass { private static Entry firstname_entry, lastname_entry, email_entry; public static void Main (string[ ] args) { Application.Init ( ); SetUpGui ( ); Application.Run ( ); } static void SetUpGui ( ) { Window w = new ...
get(), "Bind Address supplier returned null"); if (local instanceof InetSocketAddress) { InetSocketAddress localInet = (InetSocketAddress) local; if (localInet.isUnresolved()) { local = AddressUtils.createResolved(localInet.getHostName(), localInet.getPort()); } } boolean isDomainSocket ...