When in tape mode, set the carets position from the left edge of the typing test as a percentage (for example, 50% centers it). smooth line scroll When enabled, the line transition will be animated. off on show all lines When enabled, the website will show all lines for word...
minimalistic design, with optional advertisements and focus mode while typing type what you see, see what you type live errors, wpm, and accuracy displays a variety of test lengths and languages punctuation and numbers modes quotes themes
minimalistic design, with optional advertisements and focus mode while typing type what you see, see what you type live errors, wpm, and accuracy displays a variety of test lengths and languages punctuation and numbers modes quotes themes
monkey see monkeytype 5 1 User stats Public profile Account settings Sign out Created with love by Miodec. Supported and expanded by many awesome people. Launched on 15th of May, 2020. total tests started - - total typing time - - total tests completed - - distribution of...
Monkeytype is a minimalistic, customizable typing test, featuring many test modes, an account system to save your typing speed history, and user-configurable features like themes, sounds, a smooth caret, and more. Features minimalistic design with no ads look at what you are typing focus mode ...
Improved auto complete for custom functions to delay suggestions, so you can type better without using auto complete. Improved auto complete for custom functions to show MBS FileMaker Plugin names. Improved code formatting to better handle listings with [] lines like in JSONSetElement. Improved JSON...
Changed: Added file-type masking to the drag-n-drop, add files, add folder, context menus, and mode switching. Very convenient, but my head hurts. Changed: MAC will now give an error if you attempt to do something with an external encoder that you don't have. (instead of piecing out...
In Pokémon Sword and Shield, both Darumaka and Darmanitan received a regional form that took the previously fire-type Pokémon and gave them an icy makeover. When Galarian Darmanitan goes into zen mode, it gains the rare dual type of ice and fire, which, coupled with its impressive stats...
This question type is your friend. If possible, stay away from matrix, open-ended and image question types that don’t play well with mobile browsers. If you need to use a matrix question… write it concisely and use no more than five response options. Limit the number of open-ended que...
whipped into perfect shape, and added to their Question Bank. According to SurveyMonkey, these questions have been written by their methodologists to get the highest response rate. You can access the Question Bank in the menu to the left or start typing a question to see possible variants. ...