Monkey See Monkey Do(机器翻译:小猴学样)作者:Marc Gave 出版社:Scholastic Inc ISBN(13位):9780590458016 语种:英语 开本:24 页数:32 市场价:¥ 44.0装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 平装 九成新 ¥ 13.20 ¥ 11.62 0 有货通知 内容简介 这本书讲述了一个小女孩发现一只顽皮的小猴子模仿她的一举一...
《猴子有样学样》(Monkey See Monkey Do)是一部由英国出品的早教类动画片,本片采用动画和真人结合的形式,通过小猴子和一群小朋友的互动完成唱歌、跳舞的冒险旅程。 猴子有样学样 目录 暂无目录 展开目录 猴子有样学样 预览 THE END 热门动画 # 动画片# 3-6岁# 7-10岁# 益智# 儿童文学# 故事# 动物# ...
See Monkey See, Doggie Do/Mommy Fearest's production, company, and contact information. Explore Monkey See, Doggie Do/Mommy Fearest's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for
本资源是歌舞早教儿童动画片《Monkey See Monkey Do 猴子有样学样》中文版的视频下载,动画共52集,每集播放时长11分钟左右,资源总大小共10.2G,mp4高清1080p分辨率,国语发音、中文字幕,百度云网盘下载,适合3-6岁的学龄前儿童观看。 《猴子有样学样 Monkey See Monkey Do》是一部由英国出品的早教类动画片,采用先...
【Monkeysee,Monkey do】是俚语,相当於中文【有样学样】。这个俚语还挺生动的,让我想起听过的猴子学人喝醉酒的故事。所以大人在小孩前面尤其得注意自己的行为,因为Monkey see, Monkey do。结果一 题目 Monkey see Monkey do什么意思 答案 是个美国俚语,很有意思。【Monkeysee,Monkey do】是俚语,相当於中文【有...
Synonyms for MONKEY (AROUND): clown (around), horse around, fool around, cut up, show off, revel, act up, roar; Antonyms of MONKEY (AROUND): set (to), settle (down), buckle (down), knuckle down
Ⅱ.自由创设情境。 Monkey says, monkeys do。教师说一个单词, 学生根据单词意思, 用动作表演出来。单词参考: sleep、 drink、
This monkey, like all others, was very fond of mischief and of doing whatever he saw others do.一位女士曾经有只猴子,是作为她的生日礼物收到的。这只猴子,像所有别的猴子一样,非常淘气,并且会模仿所有它做的事情。 His mistress found him one day sitting on her toilet table (梳妆台), holding ...
A greater frequency of scratching was observed when monkeys viewed a video sequence of another monkey scratching as well as during the neutral stimulus immediately following the monkey scratching segment. In conclusion, viewing other monkeys scratching significantly increased scratching behavior in adult ...