Donald the Monkey from Madagascar may not have many lines or significant screen time, but his hilarious antics steal the show whenever he appears. With his expressive face and mischievous behavior, Donald brings laughter to fans of the animated film. Despite being a minor character, his memorable...
In a collective report that drew from about 18 patients,NBC News saidthat a high fever and intense headache were among the first symptoms, as well as lesions or a rash in the genital area of nearly all patients who went on record. All the sources were gay men who had sex with other m...
This steep, narrow, deep, long valley results from the forces of plate tectonics tearing Africa apart. Eventually, the Horn of Africawill become a big islandoff the coast of the rest of Africa, just asMadagascarpeeled off from Africa some 135 million years ago. Parts of this valley are und...
Eventually, East Africa will become one or more large islands off the coast of Africa, like Madagascar is today. The Rift Valley is a place where crust is oozing up from below, filling in the gap between the separating plates. Along the entire length of the rift, earthquakes are common; ...
Genetic assessment of a white-collared x red-fronted lemur hybrid zone at Andringitra, Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology, 67, 51–66. Article Google Scholar Zinner, D., Groeneveld, L. F., Keller, C., et al. (2009). Mitochondrial ...
Gould L, Kelley EA, LaFleur M (2015) Reproductive female feeding strategies in spiny forest-dwelling Lemur catta in southern and southwestern Madagascar: how do females meet the challenges of reproduction in this harsh habitat? Folia Primatol 86:16–24 Article PubMed Google Scholar Grueter CC, ...