Talents are additional effects and abilities that can give you access to more tools in your spellbook. They are unlocked on a regular basis as you level. Your talent setup should be as follows with each talent point as you unlock them. Note that these recommendations may differ from what is...
Windwalker Spec Tree Passive Abilities Momentum Boost(MB) — Increases damage ofFists of Furyand increases auto attack speed afterFists of Furycompletes its channel. Combat Wisdom— ReplacesExpel Harmand makes it a passive. You will now reset to 2 Chi when outside of combat rather than 0. ...
startsCombat = true, cycle = "mark_of_the_crane", handler = function () gain( 2, "chi" ) removeBuff( "martial_mixture" ) removeStack( "darting_hurricane" ) if buff.combat_wisdom.up then class.abilities.expel_harm.handler() removeBuff( "combat_wisdom" ) end if level ...
( spec.abilities.rising_sun_kick.id ) ), desc = strformat( "如果勾选,当检测到超过 3 个敌人时,可能会推荐使用 %s。\n\n" .. "这可能会导致伤害降低,但仍能保持 %s 和其他治疗 BUFF。", Hekili:GetSpellLinkWithTexture( brm.abilities.rising_sun_kick.id ), Hekili:GetSpellLink...
spec:RegisterCombatLogEvent( function( _, subtype, _, sourceGUID, sourceName, _, _, destGUID, destName, destFlags, _, spellID, spellName ) if sourceGUID == state.GUID then local ability = class.abilities[ spellID ] and class.abilities[ spellID ].key if not ability then return...