Although you'll be limited to 120Hz (well 60Hz Per Link, which is likely why it keeps resetting back to that). 2 Likes Reply pettrak In response to leyvin Adept I 01-06-2018 07:36 AM I can understand why it sounds confusing but here's the reason. I'm already ...
We’ve had many readers report on things that fixed this issue for them. Here they are in no particular order: Lower the Monitor’s refresh rate to 60Hz if you have a high refresh-rate Monitor to see if this helps Lower the Monitor’s resolutionbelow3840×2160 (4K) in case you have ...
Update: So one monitor has AMD freesync premium, and the other one says variable refresh rate or some such. Turned them both off in the monitors individual settings. In addition, my wifes drawing tablet which connects through the HDMI has been powered down (but is still ...
Try resetting IE: removing AC power from your Samsung monitor for 30 seconds. I had a similar experience with my ARC a380 and a Samsung monitor just the other day. New .4502 drivers with a Samsung hdmi and Asus DP output from ARC. Black screen system hang...
Choose the Monitor tab at the top, then check that Screen refresh rate is set to 60 Hertz. Solid colored lines, Flickering, or Distorted color for MAC. How to fix it. Begin by resetting the PRAM/VRAM, which stores several settings, some of which are display related. Do this by holding...
An incomplete or incorrect count can be caused by monitoring for less than 24 hours after the counter started, changing node timing settings, changing the time zone settings, replacing a card, resetting a card, or changing port service states. When the problem is corrected, the subseq...
Try resetting IE: removing AC power from your Samsung monitor for 30 seconds. I had a similar experience with my ARC a380 and a Samsung monitor just the other day. New .4502 drivers with a Samsung hdmi and Asus DP output from ARC. Black screen system hang ...
An incomplete or incorrect count can be caused by monitoring for less than 24 hours after the counter started, changing node timing settings, changing the time zone settings, replacing a card, resetting a card, or changing port service states. When the problem is corrected, the subsequent 1-...
never use display driver uninstaller and instead use the AMD cleanup utility and try factory resetting your display driver settings or doing a clean install of the latest removing the old ones AFTER you deleted the old AMD directory in C:\AMD so when new drivers extract no old v...