Free Disk Space Monitoring Features: Monitor any windows drive(and more) Overseer can monitor any Windows drive, using the built-in administrative shares(i.e. \\server\c$). Overseer can also monitor disk space on Linux servers that share a drive via SAMBA. Test by Percentage Free As ...
2. Setting Up Disk Space AlertsWindows allows you to monitor disk space by creating alerts. Follow these steps to set up an alert using the System Monitor:Click on Start, navigate to Administrative Tools, and open Performance. Expand the Operation Logs and Alerts section. Right-click on ...
($_.enabled -eq $true)}) # Enable IIS Log Collection using the agent Enable-AzOperationalInsightsIISLogCollection -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName # Windows Event New-AzOperationalInsightsWindowsEventDataSource -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -WorkspaceNam...
樹狀結構:Root - DiagnosticsConfiguration - PublicConfig - WadCFG - DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration - WindowsEventLog啟用Windows 事件記錄檔的集合。選擇性 scheduledTransferPeriod 屬性。 請參閱稍早的說明。展開資料表 子項目描述 DataSource 要收集的 Windows 事件記錄檔。 必要屬性: name - 描述要收集之 ...
## 2. Run Disk Clean-up with selection actions ##$CleanupSelection= @('Temporary Files','System error minidump files','System error memory dump files','Recycle Bin','Device Driver Packages','Windows Error Reporting Files')Foreach($KeyNamein$CleanupSelection){$NewItemParams= @{Path =...
Find out immediately when you are running out of disk space on your Windows server, your Linux server, your removable drives or any computer that is in your network. Do not be taken by surprise, avoid denials of service, find out in time so you can recov
该值除以1024就为GB单位 checkInterval_sec=600---监测时间间隔。单位:秒。如果需要频繁监测,可以 改小。比如改为1就是1秒检测一次。如不需要频繁监测,则可以改大,如3600表示一小时检测一次。 运行系统:windows 软件下载地址: 1.
There is a state view specifically for monitoring Logical Disk free space in the Microsoft Windows Server node of the monitoring pane in the Operations Console. You can also create a view in My Workspace to spot check a specific set of servers for drives in a Warning state once each day. ...
Find out immediately when you are running out of disk space on your Windows server, your Linux server, your removable drives or any computer that is in your network. Do not be taken by surprise, avoid denials of service, find out in time so you can recov
One solution is to add more disk space.PhysicalDisk\% Idle Time This counter measures the percentage of time the disk was idle during the sample interval. If this counter falls below 20 percent, the disk system is saturated. You should consider replacing the current ...