Quick one, I know its very late for me to say this now but i need to know what ROG gamer's use to see real time GPU and CPU temps. Also IF i - 483753
Extensive Temperature Monitoring:Features CPU, GPU, and RAM temperature display, ensuring real-time monitoring for optimal performance. Portable Design:At just 7.84 inches, this mini LCD monitor is lightweight and portable, perfect for on-the-go productivity. Oled Screen Display|Micro Screen|IPS Pane...
Open Hardware Monitor是一款开源的硬件监控工具,支持多种操作系统。它可以监测CPU、GPU、硬盘等多种硬件的状态,并且支持将数据输出到网络,使得用户可以远程监控自己的设备。此外,Open Hardware Monitor的界面支持用户自定义设置,满足不同用户的需求。 4. Core Temp 专注于CPU温度监测的Core Temp,以其简洁著称。用户可以...
Use Fanny, a macOS CPU temperature monitor widget, for ongoing CPU and GPU temperature tracking. Download Fanny, unzip the file, launch it, and look for the three-dash icon in your menu bar. Clicking it drops down a pane showing various temperatures and fan speeds. Mac temperature ranges va...
Monitor GPU/CPU/RAM usage in-game. Features OSD: gpu/cpu load gpu/cpu temp vram/ram usage max cpu usage max thread usage disk read/write rate disk response time backbuffer count time Other: force vsync on/off frame limiter change gpu clocks and fan speeds while in-game :) RAM disk....
【需要获取的CPU和GPU温度数量】的两个需要设置的变量是个笨办法,因为现在获取到的CPU温度数据是这样的: LibreHardwareMonitor软件截图 这个办公电脑的CPU是4核的,我只需要前面4个温度,最多再加上第五个的封装温度,其余温度不知道是干啥的,不做采集。不方便给名称做字符匹配,干脆就使用数量匹配了。 后面的程序...
HWMonitor:作为一款免费的硬件监控工具,HWMonitor能够显示详细的硬件信息,包括CPU、GPU温度、电压等。用户只需下载并安装即可查看CPU的当前温度。 Core Temp:专注于CPU温度监测,支持多种CPU型号,用户可以很容易地在主界面上查看每个核心的温度和负载情况。
It's seems to be the CPU and the GPU are not on the same DIE but when i want to check the current temperature of the GPU (with sensors command) i can only have the 4 core temperatures. Same problem if i search into /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone Example :sensors ...
the screen will show the lock screen for a minute or so then the screen shuts off. After that the CPU temperature will jump from 40c to 60c and the CPU fans spin up and it will sit like that until I come back and wake the screen and log back in then the CPU temp ...
显卡温度负荷监视(Gpu Temp)v1.0 免费版 免费版/中文/ Geek3D GpuTest GUI(显卡测试软件)v0.7.0 官方版 官方版/中文/ WhySoSlow(系统性能分析工具)v1.6 中文版 中文版/中文/ 软件介绍 软件截图 同类推荐 下载地址 CPU Monitor Gadget是一款能够实时监控CPU使用情况的软件,能够实时在桌面上的窗口显示出CPU的使...