It can be a boolean or a hash of options ## Example Schema.path('my.path').index(true); Schema.path('my.path').index({ unique: true }); "Direction doesn't matter for single key indexes" param: Object true/ ...
within({ center: [50,50], radius: 10, unique: true, spherical: true }); query.where('loc').within({ box: [[40.73, -73.9], [40.7, -73.988]] }); query.where('loc').within({ polygon: [[],[],[],[]] }); query.where('loc').within([], [], []) // polygon query.... 删除所有索引,options) - options should be an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups 增加索引 [query] , [fields]) - first parameter is an optional query filter. second parameter is optional set of fields to ...
Encryption is performed usingAES-256-CBCwith a random, unique initialization vector for each operation. Authentication is performed usingHMAC-SHA-512. To encrypt, the relevant fields are removed from the document, converted to JSON, enciphered inBufferformat with the IV and plugin version prepended...
guid=4958991591148389096">adambuczynski fix(querycursor): always cast fields before returning cursor #4355 fix(query): support projection as alias for fields in findOneAndUpdate #4315 fix(schema): treat index false + unique false as no index #4304 fix(types): dont mark single nested subpath ...
use `init()` as opposed to `once('index')` in `unique` example #8816 825 * docs: clarify `insertmany()` return value #8820 [ dandv ]( ) 826 * docs(populate+query): fix typos #8793 #8794 [ dandv ]( ) 827 * docs(model):...
var area = { center: [50, 50], radius: 10, unique: true } query.where('loc').within().circle(area)'loc', area); // for spherical calculations var area = { center: [50, 50], radius: 10, unique: true, spherical: true } query.where('loc').within().circle(...
unique:true//Unique index. If you specify `unique: true`//specifying `index: true` is optional if you do `unique: true`} }); 不同的SchemaType有不同的options,具体见官方guide。 Mongoose Models 正如许多ORMs/ODMs, 在mongoose中,cornerstone object is a model。对象的基石是模块。
This is conduucted by a number of stages, the first of which is to use Equation (16) to obtain the binary of each unique 𝑋𝑖Xi: 𝐵𝑋𝑖,𝑗={1𝑖𝑓 rand<|𝛽|20𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒BXi,j=1if rand<β20otherwise (16) where 𝛽β is defined in ...
Populating multiple paths in middleware can be helpful when you always want to populate some fields. But, the implementation is just a tiny bit trickier than what you may think. Here's how you may expect it to work:const userSchema = new Schema({ email: String, password: String, ...