MONGOOSE_DRIVER_PATH || './drivers/node-mongodb-native' , Model = require('./model') , Schema = require('./schema') , Collection = require(driver + '/collection');Connection constructor. For practical reasons, a Connection equals a Db param: Mongoose mongoose base api: public function ...
Serial Serial middleware are executed one after another, when each middleware calls next. var schema = new Schema(..); schema.pre('save', function(next) { // do stuff next(); }); Parallel Parallel middleware offer more fine-grained flow control. 16 var schema ...
Another option for Populate virtuals is match. This option adds an extra filter condition to the query Mongoose uses to populate():// Same example as 'Populate Virtuals' section AuthorSchema.virtual('posts', { ref: 'BlogPost', localField: '_id', foreignField: 'author', match: { ...
Similarly, let's add another schema, this time for the 'VacationDestinations'. Here, the DiscriminatorKey is VacationDestinationsType. JavaScript Copy const Vacation_common = commonModel.discriminator('VacationDestinationsType', new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, country: String }, baseConfig)); ...
API Reference HOWTOs Apps and libraries A Mongoose OS app is a firmware that does something specific. It could be built and flashed on a microcontroller. For example, a blynk app is a firmware that makes a device controllable by the Blynk mobile app. Another example is a default app that...
You can usezId(ref?: string)andzUUID(ref?: string)to describe fields as ObjectID and UUID and add reference to another collection: import{extendZod}from"@zodyac/zod-mongoose";import{z}from"zod";extendZod(z);constzUser=z.object({// Just the IDsomeId:zId(),wearable:zUUID(),// With...
false` in schema after nesting in another schema #8274 1120 * fix(document): make document class an event emitter to support defining documents without models in node #8272 1121 * docs: document return types for `.discriminator()` #8287 1122 * docs(connection): add note about exporting ...
('ModelA', new mongoose.Schema({ a: { select: false, type: { _reference: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'ModelB' }, } }, b: { select: false, type: String } })); const result = await ModelA.find({}, '+c'); console.log('result', JSON.stringify(result, ...