var Tweet = new Schema({ body: String , fid: { type: String, index: { unique: true } } , username: { type: String, index: true } , userid: Number , created_at: Date , source: String }); 我很确定我有最新版本的 mongoDB 和 mongoose。 编辑 这是我根据 JohnnyHK 提供的答案计算...
constComment=newSchema({name:{type:String,default:'hahaha'},age:{type:Number,min:18,index:true},bio:{type:String,match:/[a-z]/},date:{type:Date,},buff:Buffer});// a setterComment.path('name').set(function(v){returncapitalize(v);});// middlewareComment.pre('save'...
mysql实现对单个字段进行排序 Mysql对单个字段执行排序使用的语句是order by 语句。跟在order后面的关键字是asc或desc。...asc是升序 desc是降序 select * from 表名 order by 字段 asc;//升序语法 select * from 表名 order by 字...
A. Mongoose does not cast aggregation pipeline stages because with $project, $group, etc. the type of a property may change during the aggregation. If you want to query by date using the aggregation framework, you're responsible for ensuring that you're passing in a valid date. ...
We believe in order for you to truly maximise your revenue, your marketing approach should be as holistic as possible. This means combining Paid Social ads with other marketing methods to ensure each part of your marketing strategy complements each segment. Book a Call Book a Call Deep Dive ...
Some fossils found in the Siwalik formations of Pakistan may date back up to 10 million years. What Kingdom do Mongooses belong to? Mongooses belong to the Kingdom Animalia. What phylum do Mongooses belong to? Mongooses belong to the phylum Chordata. What class do Mongooses belong to?
, date : { type: Date, default: } , buff : Buffer }); // a setter Comment.path('name').set(function (v) { return capitalize(v); }); // middleware Comment.pre('save', function (next) { notify(this.get('email')); ...