Mongoose MongoDB ODM. Latest version: 8.9.6, last published: 2 days ago. Start using mongoose in your project by running `npm i mongoose`. There are 19555 other projects in the npm registry using mongoose.
If your pull requests makes documentation changes, please donotmodify any.htmlfiles. The.htmlfiles are compiled code, so please make your changes indocs/*.pug,lib/*.js, ortest/docs/*.js. View all 400+contributors. Installation First installNode.jsandMongoDB. Then: npm install mongoose Mong...
The MongoDB Node driver version that Mongoose 6 uses relies on aURL parser modulethat has several known compatibility issues with other npm packages. This can lead to errors likeInvalid URL: mongodb+srv:// you use one of the incompatible packa...
npm install mongoose Mongoose 6.8.0 also includes alpha support forDeno. Importing // Using Node.js `require()`constmongoose=require('mongoose');// Using ES6 importsimportmongoosefrom'mongoose'; Or, usingDeno'screateRequire()for CommonJS supportas follows. ...
❯ node --version v22.4.1 ❯ npm --version 10.8.1 ├─┬ mongoose@8.5.0 │├── bson@6.8.0 │├── kareem@2.6.3 │├─┬ mongodb@6.7.0 ││├── UNMET OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY @aws-sdk/credential-providers@^3.188.0 ││├─┬ @mongodb-js/saslprep@1.1.7 │││└─┬ spa...
make npm test not hard-code file paths #8322 [ stieg ]( ) 1106 1107 5.7.9 / 2019-11-08 1108 === 1109 * fix(schema): support setting schema path to an instance of schematypeoptions to fix integration with mongoose-i18n-localize #8297 #8292 1110 * fix(pop...
* { '$inc': { version: 1 }, '$set': { attr: 'bar' } }, * { multi: true } * ) */Model.findOneAndUpdate({attr:'foo'}, {attr:'bar'});/* * mongo query: * model.findAndModify( * { attr: 'foo' }, * { '$inc': { version: 1 }, '$set': { attr: 'bar' } },...
输入测试express --version 5、node升级 sudo npm install -g n #全局安装n模块,用于升级node sudo n latest #安装官方最新版本 sudo n stable #安装官方稳定版本 sudo n lts #安装官方最新LTS版本 sudo npm install -g npm #更新npm Express项目建立 ...
Mongoose extension that allows to build json schema for mongoose models, schemas and queries. Latest version: 3.0.2, last published: 4 months ago. Start using mongoose-schema-jsonschema in your project by running `npm i mongoose-schema-jsonschema`. There
egg mongoose plugin. Latest version: 4.0.1, last published: a year ago. Start using egg-mongoose in your project by running `npm i egg-mongoose`. There are 31 other projects in the npm registry using egg-mongoose.