Native support forPicoTCP embedded TCP/IP stack,LWIP embedded TCP/IP stack Builtin protocols: plain TCP, plain UDP, SSL/TLS (over TCP, one-way or two-way) HTTP client, HTTP server WebSocket client, WebSocket server JSON-RPC client, JSON-RPC server MQTT cl...
Open source Embedded Web Server and Networking Library (HTTP/Websocket/MQTT) for C/C++ ST合作伙伴计划 Mongoose是一款面向C/C++应用的网络库。该网络库可实现面向TCP、UDP、HTTP、WebSocket和MQTT协议的事件驱动非阻塞API。该库专门用于连接设备并实现设备联网。自2004年上市以来,该网络库已被海量的开源和商业产品...
Mongoose - Embedded Web Server / Embedded Network Library Mongoose is a network library for C/C++. It provides event-driven non-blocking APIs for TCP, UDP, HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT, and other protocols. It is designed for connecting devices and bringing them online. On the market since 2004, ...
浏览器访问127.0.0.1:8080/hello将显示Hello Mongoose 使用postman或apifox,发送post请求127.0.0.1:8080/api/sum,请求json参数为{"a": 100, "b": 2},响应结果也为json,其中result为a+b的结果。 参考文献 [1] Mongoose - an embedded Web Server, MQTT and Websocket library ...
Create a simple web server that serves a directory. The behavior of the HTTP server is specified by its event handler function: #include"mongoose.h"// To build, run: cc main.c mongoose.c// HTTP server event handler functionvoidev_handler(structmg_connection*c,intev,void*ev_data) {if(...
Mongoose makes embedded network programming fast, robust, and easy. If you're looking for a pre-compiled Windows or Mac binary, Download pre-compiled Mongoose web server binary Alternatively, Download Mongoose Source Code here Check our latest releases...
麦克泰技术于2021年12月20日正式与Cesanta Software Ltd. 达成合作,为中国用户提供Mongoose Embedded Web Server Library商业授权服务。 Mongoose是一个基于C/C++ 的网络库。它为 TCP、UDP、HTTP、WebSocket、MQTT 实现了事件驱动的非阻塞 API,用于设备联网。Mongoose自2004年发布以来,被大量用于开源和商业产品—它甚至在...
Mongoose Embedded Web Server Library LTP Server在轻量级服务器程序mongoose基础上开发。在编译LTP源码之后,运行`./bin/ltp_server`就可以启动LTP Server。:
官网提供了很多例子讲解,本文主要针对HTTP server/client和webSocketServer/client进行讲解。 2.下载源码GitHub - cesanta/mongoose: Embedded Web Server 下载最新版源码,本文主要通过源码中例子进行快速了解mongoose如何使用,以官网提供的文档进行辅助工具 3.阅读源码的工具(这里推荐Source Insight) ...
Mongoose Embedded Web Server Library - Mongoose is more than an embedded webserver. It is a multi-protocol embedded networking library with functions including TCP, HTTP client and server, WebSocket client and server, MQTT client and broker and much mor