5.9之后的方法:Model.deleteMany() // Student是一个Model.Student.deleteMany({},function(err) {console.log("success");}); 3|0参考 Model.deleteMany() -- Mongoose官方文档 mongoose delete all documents in collection Model.remove() -- Mongoose官方文档 __EOF__ 高坦的博客 | Tan's Blog BY-NC-...
Option to create index on delete fields(deleted,deletedAt,deletedBy) Option to disable use of$neoperator using{use$neOperator: false}. Before you start to use this option please check#50. Option to overrideaggregate. Option topopulatewith deleted documents ({ withDeleted: true }) ...
// Update all documents in the `mymodels` collection await MyModel.updateMany({}, { $set: { name: 'foo' } });Note that update(), updateMany(), findOneAndUpdate(), etc. do not execute save() middleware. If you need save middleware and full validation, first query for the document ...
// find all documents await MyModel.find({}); // find all documents named john and at least 18 await MyModel.find({ name: 'john', age: { $gte: 18 } }).exec(); // executes, name LIKE john and only selecting the "name" and "friends" fields await MyModel.find({ name: /john...
lean: 返回普通的 js 对象,而不是Mongoose Documents。建议不需要 mongoose 特殊处理就返给前端的数据都最好使用该方法转成普通 js 对象。 // sort 两种方式指定排序 Model.find().sort('age -name'); // 字符串有 - 代表 descending 降序 Model.find().sort({age:'asc', name:-1}); ...
constdoc =awaitMyModel.findOne();// Delete the document so Mongoose won't be able to save changesawaitMyModel.deleteOne({_id: doc._id}); doc.name='foo';awaitdoc.save();// Throws DocumentNotFoundError Setting Nested Properties Mongoose documents have aset()function that you can use to ...
Everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema. Each schema maps to a MongoDB collection and defines the shape of the documents within that collection.Schema是一种以文件形式存储的数据库模型骨架,无法直接通往数据库端,也就是说它不具备对数据库的操作能力,仅仅只是定义数据库模型在程序片段中的一种表现...
Models是从Schema编译来的构造函数。它们的实例就代表着可以从数据库保存和读取的documents。从数据库创建和读取 document 的所有操作都是通过model进行的。 const mongoose = require("mongoose");const { Schema, model } = mongoose;const answerSchema = new Schema( { __v: { type: Number, select: false ...
pseudo-code,以备不时之需: async function deleteOldDocument() { const 3DaysAgo = ...; // here you can subtract 3 days from now to obtain the value // search for documents that are created from 3 days or more, using $lt operator const documentToDelete = await User.find({"created_...