[skipId] <Boolean> bool, should we auto create an ObjectId _id Inherits: NodeJS EventEmitter Events: init: Emitted on a document after it has was retrieved from the db and fully hydrated by Mongoose. save: Emitted when the document is successfully saved show code function Document(obj, sch...
// config/functions/mongoose.js var autoI 浏览0提问于2019-06-24得票数 3 1回答 Strapi创建新插件插件生成器命令不起作用 我在没有使用strapi快速入门功能的情况下创建了一个strapi项目,现在我们无法为strapi创建自定义插件。在运行创建新插件的命令时,我们得到以下错误消息:npm run strapi generate:plugin...
options.generateId: A function used to generate a new id for documents of this type. Defaults to () => `${schema.name}.${new ObjectId()}` options.versioning: Pass false to disable versioning for instances of this schema. After creating a schema, .methods, .statics, .virtuals, and ....
Along with auto-generating API's for your application, this library also is able to auto generate Swagger.io documentation so that your API's are well documented and can be easily used and understood by everyone. Each Resource object has the ability to generate the Swagger docs for that resou...
all color inputs generate CSS variables and classes createsvar(--color-{name})and.color-{name} background fixed at#101113(dark shade, non-customizable) custom colors can be added throughcustomobject default theme predefined theme with Finlandica font ...
unsigned long id; // Auto-incrementing unique connection ID struct mg_iobuf recv; // Incoming data struct mg_iobuf send; // Outgoing data struct mg_iobuf prof; // Profile data enabled by MG_ENABLE_PROFILE struct mg_iobuf rtls; // TLS only. Incoming encrypted data mg_event_handle...
gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions pull--auto-ack iot-subscription--max-messages=999+---+---+---+---+|DATA|MESSAGE_ID|ATTRIBUTES|+---+---+---+|{"h":42.599998,"t":24.23}|144935373963880|deviceId=dev1 dev...||{"h":42.599998,"t":24.22}|144937730266979|deviceId=dev1 dev...|......
I pushed a fix in commit <commit_id>, please review it. Generate unit testing code for this file. Open a follow-up GitHub issue for this discussion. Files and specific lines of code (under the "Files changed" tab): Tag @coderabbitai in a new review comment at the desired location wi...
I am trying to save an an array of objects into a db using db.collection.insert but I am getting this error: {"code":11000,"index":93,"errmsg":"insertDocument :: caused by :: 11000 E11000 duplicate key error index: dbName.users.$_id_ dup...
Along with auto-generating API's for your application, this library also is able to auto generate Swagger.io documentation so that your API's are well documented and can be easily used and understood by everyone.Each Resource object has the ability to generate the Swagger docs for that ...