As a positional parameter, the connection string may be specified at any point on the command line, as long as it begins with either mongodb:// or mongodb+srv://. For example: mongodump --username joe --password secret1 mongodb:// --ssl Only one connection...
If you have used the mongodump command to back up a MongoDB Atlas database, move the backup files in the dump folder to another directory and make sure that the dump folder is empty. Run the mongodump and mongorestore commands on the servers. Do n...
Wait till the data backup is complete. The data of the self-managed MongoDB database is backed up to thedumpfolder of the directory where you run this command. Step 2: Migrate data to the destination instance Obtain the connection address of the prim...
bsondumpusesExtended JSON v2.0 (Canonical mode)to format its data. Runbsondumpfrom the system command line, not themongoshell. Options --help Returns information on the options and use ofbsondump. --verbose, -v Increases the amount of internal reporting returned on standard output or in log...
As a positional parameter, the connection string may be specified at any point on the command line, as long as it begins with either mongodb:// or mongodb+srv://. For example: mongodump --username joe --password secret1 mongodb:// --ssl Only one connection...
MongoDB Command Line Database Tool binaries are not supported or tested for use with non-genuine MongoDB deployments. While the tools may work on these deployments, compatibility is not guaranteed. Definition mongodumpis a utility that creates a binary export of a database's contents.mongodumpca...
MongoDB Command Line Database Tool binaries are not supported or tested for use with non-genuine MongoDB deployments. While the tools may work on these deployments, compatibility is not guaranteed. Definition mongodumpis a utility that creates a binary export of a database's contents.mongodumpca...
MongoDB Command Line Database Tool binaries are not supported or tested for use with non-genuine MongoDB deployments. While the tools may work on these deployments, compatibility is not guaranteed. Definition mongodumpis a utility that creates a binary export of a database's contents.mongodumpca...
MongoDB Command Line Database Tool binaries are not supported or tested for use with non-genuine MongoDB deployments. While the tools may work on these deployments, compatibility is not guaranteed. Definition mongodumpis a utility that creates a binary export of a database's contents.mongodumpca...
MongoDB Command Line Database Tool binaries are not supported or tested for use with non-genuine MongoDB deployments. While the tools may work on these deployments, compatibility is not guaranteed. Definition mongodumpis a utility that creates a binary export of a database's contents.mongodumpca...