MongoDB Community Server MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator Download Kubernetes Operators are application-specific controllers that extend the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of stateful applications such as databases. Using the MongoDB Kubernetes operator, you have full control...
步骤一:安装MongoDB 在CentOS上安装MongoDB是第一步。你可以按照以下步骤来完成安装: 添加MongoDB的官方仓库到CentOS的yum源中,以便我们可以使用yum安装MongoDB。 执行以下命令安装MongoDB: sudo yum install mongodb-org 1. 步骤二:配置MongoDB 安装完MongoDB后,我们需要对其进行一些基本配置。你可以按照以下步骤来...
mongodb-org-server-3.4.24-1.el7.x86_64 mongodb-org-shell-3.4.24-1.el7.x86_64# rpm -ql mongodb-org-server/etc/mongod.conf/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service/usr/bin/mongod/usr/share/doc/mongodb-org-server-3.4.24/usr/share/doc/mongodb-org-server-3.4.24/GNU-AGPL-3.0/usr/share/do...
我们通过Git将MongoDB的源码克隆到本地。 gitclone 1. 这条命令会将MongoDB的代码库克隆到您当前的目录中。 3. 翻译文本 首先找到需要翻译的文本文件。MongoDB的国际化文件通常存储在src/mongo/base/或src/mongo/util/等目录中。您需要浏览这些文件,找到所有的字符串并进行翻译。 以一个英文字符串为例,我们可以...
Welcome to the MongoDB Community Raz_Buchnik: The update is done using transaction with a session. It works - if I abort, the user entity remains without any change - and if I commit the change applies. It is advisable to minimize the use of transactions in your...
com.mongodb.MongoNotPrimaryException: Command failed with error 10107 (NotWritablePrimary): ‘not master’ on server xxxxxx:27017. The full response is {“topologyVersion”: {“processId”: {“$oid”: “624eb740544a06e59a667f66”}, “counter”: {“$numberLong”: “164”}}, “operationTi...
Unfortunately, I can not enable encryption (enableEncryption:true) because MongoDB has already some data at dbPath (ie /var/lib/mongodb) after its installation. I know that Percona can not enable encryption in existing data, but how can purge the data inside the dbPath to enable my local ...
MongoDB Community Server 4.4.1 是MongoDB公司推出的一款开源、无服务器限制的数据库管理系统,专为现代应用程序设计,支持文档型数据模型,具备高性能、高可用性以及易于扩展的特点。在这个版本中,MongoDB继续提供强大的功能,旨在满足开发人员和企业的各种需求。 MongoDB的核心特性之一是它的文档数据模型,它基于JSON(...
MongoDB Community Server MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator Download Kubernetes Operators are application-specific controllers that extend the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of stateful applications such as databases. Using the MongoDB Kubernetes operator, you have full control...
You can file those tickets here: Thanks, Andrew 2 Likes