Get your ideas to market faster with a developer data platform built on the leading modern database. MongoDB makes working with data easy.
$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db $ ./mongod $ $#The mongosh shell connects to localhost and test database by default:$ ./mongosh test>help Installing Compass You can install compass using theinstall_compassscript packaged with MongoDB:
42. Which command is used to create a database? To create a database, we can use the Database_Name command. 43. Which command is used to drop a database? The db.dropDatabse() command is used to drop a database. 44. What is the use of the pretty() method? The pretty() metho...
Data Integration does not allow you to specify the columns from which you want to read data in the configuration of thequeryparameter. In a batch synchronization task that uses a MongoDB data source, the system automatically generates field mappings based on the following fields if MongoDB cannot...
Add a query filter to find only documents which meet the query criteria. constfilteredDocs=awaitcollection.find({a:3}).toArray();console.log('Found documents filtered by { a: 3 } =>',filteredDocs); Only the documents which match'a' : 3should be returned. ...
To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your Personal Data, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data and whether we can ach...
2017-07-29T10:36:51.494+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted. 2017-07-29T10:36:51.494+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended. ...
Bandwidth requirements: The server on which the source database is deployed must have sufficient outbound bandwidth. Otherwise, the data migration speed decreases. The collections to be migrated must have PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraints and all fields must be u...
Enable MongoDB's free cloud-based monitoring service, which will then receive and display metrics about your deployment (disk utilization, CPU, operation statistics, etc). The monitoring data will be available on a MongoDB website with a unique URL accessible to you ...
var DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseName"]; string collName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["collName"]; MongoServer mongoDBConn = client.GetServer(); MongoDatabase db = mongoDBConn.GetDatabase(DatabaseName); MongoCollection<BsonDocument> table = db[collName]; ...