主机写localhost(MongoDB实际运行主机ip,本地就选择localhost) 四、安装Tools MongoDB Tools下载地址: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/database-tools?tck=docs_databasetools 下载后解压到本地文件夹,并将工具内bin目录下所有文件复制到MomgoDB安装目录下的bin内 目标文件夹 打开Navicat,并连接数据库 选择imp...
Simply download the Oracle JDBC driver, update the settings under the JDBC Drivers tab in Preferences, and let Studio 3T load the rest dynamically. Studio 3T supports SQL import to MongoDB for all the major SQL databases: Oracle (Ultimate version only), Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and ...
(1)MongoDB 官网首页地址:https://www.mongodb.com/ (2)MongoDB 官网下载地址:https://www.mongodb.com/download-center?jmp=nav#community (3)MongoDB 官网 Windows 系统所有版本下载地址:https://www.mongodb.org/dl/win32/x86_64-2008plus-ssl (4)MongoDB 官网 Linux 系统所有版本下载地址:https://w...
MongoDB for Windows 64位仅运行在 Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 和更新版本的 Windows. 此版本利用最近对Windows平台的增强功能,并且无法在较旧版本的Windows上运行. MongoDB for Windows 64位 Legacy仅运行在 Windows Vista 和 Windows Server 2008上运行, 不包括最近的功能增强. 要查找正在运行的 Windows ...
本文记录Windows环境下的MongoDB安装与使用总结。 【1】官网下载 官网下载地址:Download MongoDB Community Server | MongoDB 这里可以选择下载zip或者msi,zip是解压后自己配置,msi是傻瓜式一键安装。这里我们分别对比进行实践。 【2】ZIP包实践 ① 解压 将上面下载的ZIP包进行解压,如下所示: ...
1、主机系统:本人系统是Windows10家庭中文版 2、虚拟机软件:VMware Workstation 14 Pro 虚拟机版本号:14.1.1 build-7528167 虚拟机下载网址:https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?productId=686&rPId=25457&downloadGroup=WKST-1411-WIN 3、python平台搭建: ...
Windows Download the latest release. Start the installer by opening the file. Follow the directions on your screen. Studio 3T’s installer will take care of the entire update process: it will uninstall the previous release, install the new one, and migrate all your connection settings and prefe...
Windows Server 2012 and later Installation The MongoDB Database Tools can be installed with an MSI installer, or downloaded as a ZIP archive. Select the tab below depending on your desired installation method: 1 Download the Database Tools MSI installer. ...
├──MPL-2├──README├──THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES├──THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.gotools 二、启动MongoDB服务并连接 这一环节可以不用操作,直接看下面的安装MongDB服务 启动MongoDB服务 在安装 MongoDB 的 bin 目录下输入 代码语言:javascript 复制 mongod--dbpathD:\MongoDB\data ...
➤MongoDB Download Center In theVersiondropdown, select the version of MongoDB to download. In thePlatformdropdown, selectWindows. In thePackagedropdown, selectmsi. ClickDownload. 2 Run the MongoDB installer. For example, from the Windows Explorer/File Explorer: ...