(click to zoom) (click to zoom) In this module, you created a fully managed, production-ready Amazon DocumentDB database cluster with MongoDB compatibility. In the next module, you will create a replication instance in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). 2. Create a replication instanc...
用户也可以选择在 mongorestore 时不迁移索引(在 mongorestore 后增加选项–noIndexRestore),然后使用 Amazon DocumentDB 索引工具从源 Amazon DocumentDB 集群导出索引并恢复到目标库。具体可参考 AWS 开发人员指南:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/documentdb/latest/developerguide/docdb-migration.versi...
如需step-by-step 程序,請參閱使用線上方法移轉至 Amazon DocumentDB。 您可以在使用AWS Database Migration Service者指南中的〈使用Amazon DocumentDB 作為目標〉一AWS Database Migration Service節中找到其他資訊。 注意事項AWS DMS: 分段:使用移轉多 TB 資料庫時AWS DMS,預設設定可能會很慢,因為預設情況下,DMS...
如果目標端點是 Amazon DocumentDB,請以文件模式執行遷移。 資料表模式 在資料表模式下,AWS DMS 會將 MongoDB 文件每個最上層的欄位轉換成目標資料表的資料行。如果欄位是巢狀結構,AWS DMS 會將巢狀值壓成為單一欄。AWS DMS 會接著將金鑰欄位和資料類型新增到目標資料庫資料表的欄位集。 針對每份 MongoDB 文...
MongoDB is saying that AWS DocumentDB, one of its DB-as-a-service competitors, is not even half-compatible for existing users of its DBAAS MongoDB Atlas.
Database Migration Service Databricks Datadog Defender EASM Réseau délégué Deployment Manager Centre de développement Dev Spaces DevHub DevTest Labs Résolveur DNS Dynatrace Ordre edge Education Elastic Elastic SAN Event Grid Event Hubs Emplacement étendu API Visage FarmBeats Front Door ...
Offers support for SQL to MongoDB migration. Connection Manager to connect with multiple MongoDB instances with different authentication mechanisms supported. Must have tools for MongoDB database developers. Cons: Reconnection is a lot of times buggy which causes the application to crash. ...
AWS DocumentDB Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB RU (Offline only) Sign up for Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB Spark Migrationto gain access to the Spark Migration Tool GitHub repository. The repository offers detailed, step-by-step instructions for migrating your workloads from various Mongo sources to vCore...
For detailed information on breaking changes and examples of migrating from 2.x to 3.0, please see themigration guide. Bulk Write The Rust driver now implements thenew Bulk Write specification, which supports performing mixed write operations against multiple namespaces in a minimized number of round...
Database Migration Service Datadog Defender EASM Bereitstellungs-Manager Dev Center Dev Spaces DevTest Labs DNS DNS-Resolver Dynatrace Edgereihenfolge Elastic Elasticsan Energiedienstleistungen Event Grid Event Hubs Erweiterter Standort FarmBeats Azure Fluid Relay Front Door Grafana Gastkonfigu...