How to use the MongoDB Shell to connect to a MongoDB Atlas cloud-hosted deployment, a local deployment, or another remote host.
Mongo Shell是连接MongoDB数据库的客户端工具,也可以用来连接云数据库MongoDB。本文将向您介绍在Windows 系统中,如何安装和使用Mongo Shell 。
成功进入 Shell 后,你会看到如下提示符: MongoDB shell version v<version>connecting to: mongodb:// > 1. 2. 3. 使用MongoDB Shell 在MongoDB Shell 中,可以使用各种命令来管理数据库。以下是一些基本操作的示例: 数据库操作 创建或切换到一个数据库: use myDatabase 1. 查看所有数据库:...
Start a mongo shell on the same host machine as the mongod. Use the –host command line option to specify the localhost address and port that the mongod listens on: 方式一: mongo 方式二 mongo--host 六、后台启动OR杀死程序(以MongoDB为例) 1.后台启动MongoDB nohup + 服务...
Use the mongo shell to manage database accounts,ApsaraDB for MongoDB:The mongo shell is a database management tool provided by ApsaraDB for MongoDB. ApsaraDB for MongoDB allows you to manage database accounts by using the mongo shell. This topic describe
operations in mongosh . learn how to run aggregation pipelines in mongosh . see a complete list of mongosh methods . back import & export data next create an aggregation pipeline on this page open the embedded mongodb shell use the embedded mongodb shell disable the embedded mongodb shell ...
use mydb 显示: > use mydbswitched to db mydb> show tablesWarning: unable to run listCollections, attempting to approximate collection names by parsing connectionStatus> show Collectionsuncaught exception: Error: don't know how to show [Collections]
use admin db.auth("joshua317","password");#3.查看全局所有账户 db.system.users.find().pretty()#4.查看当前库下的账户 show users #5.进入新服务的mongo容器 docker exec-it mongo/bin/bash #6.登录mongo mongo #7.创建用户 use admin db.createUser({user:'joshua317',pwd:'password',roles:[{ro...
Open a MongoDB command shell instance by launchingmongosh.exe. In the command shell, connect to the default test database by running the following command: Console mongosh Run the following command in the command shell: Console use BookStore ...
mongo_urls = 这里如果是复制集的形式,则需要注意你链接的地址是pimary 的还是集群的,是否带有 readPreference=secondary,这里链接的格式mongoshell 的链接格式是一致的逗号分割同一个副本集内的节点,分号分割分片的实例, 代码语言:javascript 复制 mongo_urls = mongodb://username:password@