show collections show collectionsincurrent database show users show usersincurrent database show profile show most recent system.profile entrieswithtime>=1ms show logs show the accessible logger names show log[name]prints out the last segmentofloginmemory,'global'isdefaultuse<db_name>setcurrent data...
3.4 如果documents存在某索引,其索引属性超过了索引限制,则任何更新该documents将会失败; 3.5 针对分片的collections,当数据迁移时,如果数据块中包含索引属性超过了索引限制,数据块的迁移将会失败; 3.6一个collections最多能够有64个索引; 3.7 针对索引的全名,包含命名空间和“.”分隔符,如:<database>.<collection nam...
watch() - opens a change stream cursor for a database to report on all changes to its non-system collections. 1.3. 命令 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 > DBCollection help db.demo.find().help() - 展示DBCursor 方法帮助 ...
admin库下添加的账号才是管理员账号 switched to db admin hqmongodb:PRIMARY> show collections #添加两个管理员账号,一个系统管理员:system 一个数据库管理员:administrator #先添加系统管理员账号,用来管理用户 hqmongodb:PRIMARY> db.createUser({user:"system",pwd:"123456",roles:[{role:"root",db:"...
the command returns only those collections for which the user has privileges. For example, if a user hasfindaction on specific collections, the command returns only those collections; or, if a user hasfindor any other action, on the database resource, the command lists all collections in the...
MongoDB Enterprise>show collections ## 切换到foolbar数据库,如果foolbar数据库不存在,会在该数据第一次插入之后创建 MongoDB Enterprise>use foolbar switched to db foolbar ## 显示当前数据库中有哪些集合,起初应该是为NULL,但我们在创建mongod服务器时,有测试连接型的时候创建个集合,因此能看到blog集合 ...
Collections: The subset of collections to import expressed as a semicolon separated list of collections, e.g. collection1;collection2. All collections are imported if the list is empty. Acceptable collection name patterns can be static names or contain wildcard %. For example: A%;%B;%C...
#基于范围的分片键设置,使用如下命令,开启数据库分片开关,参数database表示要开启分片集合的数据库 sh.enableSharding(database) #设置分片键,参数namespace表示需要进行分片的目标集合的完整命名空间<database>.<collections>,key表示要设置分片键的索引,如果需要进行分片的目标集合是空集合,可以不创建索引直接进行下一步...
db.createCollection('replicationColletion', {'capped':true, 'size':10240, 'max':17855200}) { "ok" : 1 } show collections replicationColletion storeCollection system.indexes 4)删除集合 删除集合,可以执行db.mycoll.drop()。 5)插入更新记录 直接使用集合的save方法,如下所示: ...
1 Choose a cluster type. Play around with a free cluster, launch a serverless instance, or define a dedicated cluster configuration for your application. To choose a deployment type, seeDatabase Deployment Types. 2 Choose a Cloud Provider and Region ...