合法关键字名称 文档中的关键字在命名时需要遵循下面两个限制条件: "$"字符不能作为关键字的第一个字符 "."字符不能被用于关键字中 模式设计(Schema Design) Mongodb中的模式设计与关系型DBMS大不相同。在创建应用前很有必要来了解一下mongodb中的模式设计。 在关系型数据模型中,对于一个给定依赖于用例的关系模...
http://blog.mongodb.org/post/87200945828/6-rules-of-thumb-for-mongodb-schema-design-part-1?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRonsq7Ldu%2FhmjTEU5z14uUsUKGxhokz2EFye%2BLIHETpodcMTcVnM7zYDBceEJhqyQJxPr3FLdcN0tJuRhTrCw%3D%3D 备注:本译文不是严格意义上的翻译,只是在基于对该原文的理解之上,尽可能表达清楚。
As explained in the earlier lessons, data in MongoDB is schema-less, which means there is no need of defining a structure for the data before insertion. Since, MongoDB is a document based database, any document within the same collection is not mandatory to have same set of fields or st...
Get your ideas to market faster with a developer data platform built on the leading modern database. MongoDB makes working with data easy.
MongoDb相比于传统的SQL关系型数据库,最大的不同在于它们的模式设计(SchemaDesign)上的差别,正是由于这一层次的差别衍生出其它各方面的不同。 如果将关系数据库简单理解为由数据库、表(table)、记录(record)三个层次概念组成,而在构建一个关系型数据库的时候,工作重点和难点都在数据库表的划分与组织上。一般而言...
Question about MongoDB's Schema? Look no further. MongoDB Developer Center has articles, videos, podcasts, and more to help you set your data up right
如果是传统用来做星形schema或者雪花schema,不是太合适。 如果是用来做现代数仓,类似于大数据那样做大宽表,mongodb可以作为一个选择。 我在我自己的类似数仓的平台产品里就用了mongodb。 有一些比较不错的亮点是:横向扩展能力,多结构化数据支持,检索能力,元数据管理等 ...
Large, rapidly evolving data set: MongoDB supports large amounts of data and has a very flexible schema-less design. For applications that evolve rapidly and require ever-changing schema, MongoDB may be a good choice.Location-based data: MongoDB is unique in its ability to store and index ...
IMPORTANT In most cases, multi-document transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of multi-document transaction should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, thedenormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays)wil...
The simple fact that documents can represent rich, schema-free data structures means that we have a lot of viable alternatives to the standard, normalized, relational model. Not only that, MongoDB has several unique features, such as atomic updates and indexed array keys, that greatly influence...