10、GridFS是MongoDB中的一个内置功能,可以用于存放大量小文件。 11、MongoDB允许在服务端执行脚本,可以用Javascript编写某个函数,直接在服务端执行,也可以把函数的定义存储在服务端,下次直接调用即可。 12、MongoDB支持各种编程语言:RUBY,PYTHON,JAVA,C++,PHP,C#等多种语言。 13、MongoDB安装简单。 4、安装mongod...
More than one-third of the Fortune 100 rely on MongoDB Enterprise Advanced to help run their mission-critical applications. MongoDB Professional gives you access to the 24/7 support team, Cloud Manager, the most comprehensive monitoring and management platform for the app, and Mongo DB Compass,...
Sun Apr 10 22:34:09 [websvr] web admin interface listening on port 28017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. MongoDB 服务端的默认监听端口是27017 步骤五: 将 MongoDB 作为Windows 服务随机启动 先创建 C:\mongo\logs\mongodb.log 文件,用于存储 MongoDB 的日志文件, 再安装系统 服务。 C:\mon...
MongoDB for Windows 64-bitruns on any 64-bit version of Windows newer than Windows XP, including Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 64-bit. MongoDB for Windows 32-bitruns on any 32-bit version of Windows newer than Windows XP. 32-bit versions of MongoDB are only intended for older ...
然后执行以下命令即可 mongod.exe --config c:\mongod.cfg --install net start MongoDB 这里可以加上--serviceName和--serviceDisplayName来改变服务名称和显示的名称 Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows ...
Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition on Debian Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition on SUSE Install MongoDB Enterprise Edition on Amazon Linux macOS 在macOS 上安装 MongoDB Community Edition 在macOS 上安装 MongoDB Enterprise Windows 在Windows 上安装 MongoDB Community Edition ...
再次荣膺最受欢迎的向量数据库! 在最新的 Retool AI 现状全球调查中,MongoDB Atlas Vector Search 连续第二年再登榜首。 了解详情 由开发者构建,供开发者使用 文档数据模型与您的思维方式和编码方式相匹配。使用可直接映射到代码对象的灵活文档,打破固定的表格数据结构。将相关数据嵌入单个文档,以提高性能并最大限度...
For MongoDB instances using the WiredTiger storage engine, performance on Windows is comparable to performance on Linux. MongoDB on Virtual Environments This section describes considerations when running MongoDB in some of the more common virtual environments. For all platforms, consider Scheduling. AW...
数据持久化,大规模分布式集群,这都是 mongodb 比 Redis有优势的地方。Redis 定位是缓存,持久化聊胜...
and available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions for Windows and Unix-like environments. The word “Mongo” in its name MongoDB comes from the word humongous meaning enormous, referring to its ease of use, performance, and vastly scalable prospective. It works on the concept of collection and ...