is using MongoDB version 5.0.18. I’ve tried using different browsers too (such as Firefox, Chrome) but nothing I do seems to make it work on machine B. I try typing inlocalhost:5293/fetchbut the page just times out and the app crashes because it can’t connect to the ...
We can also connect the MongoDB database server locally by using a local address. We need to use the hostname as localhost or IP address as to connect the local database server. We can also connect the MongoDB atlas cluster using the mongo shell using a connection string. Exam...
record ttl class text 86400 in txt "replicaset=myset&authsource=authdb" taken together, the dns srv records and the options specified in the txt record resolve to the following standard format connection string: mongodb://mydatabaseuser:d1fficultp%40ssw0rd@mongodb1....
针对本地数据库的可重试写入 官方的 MongoDB 4.2 系列驱动默认启用可重试写入功能。如果将应用程序升级到 4.2 系列的驱动,而应用程序又写入本地数据库(localdatabase),则会遇到写入错误,除非显式禁用可重试写入功能。 要禁用可重试写入,请在 MongoDB 集群的连接字符串(connection string)...
db.serverStatus()、db.serverCmdLineOpts() zjy:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus() { "host" : "zhoujinyi", "version" : "3.0.4", "process" : "mongod", "pid" : NumberLong(3939), "uptime" : 149427, "uptimeMillis" : NumberLong(149427393), "uptimeEstimate" : 140539, "localTime" : ISODate...
负值意味着无限期等待privateintserverSelectionTimeout = 1000 * 30;//线程等待连接变为可用的最长时间privateintmaxWaitTime = 1000 * 60 * 2;//线程池中连接的最大空闲时间privateintmaxConnectionIdleTime;privateintmaxConnectionLifeTime;//连接超时时间,必须大于0privateintconnectTimeout = 1000 * 10;//socket...
负值意味着无限期等待privateintserverSelectionTimeout = 1000 * 30;//线程等待连接变为可用的最长时间privateintmaxWaitTime = 1000 * 60 * 2;//线程池中连接的最大空闲时间privateintmaxConnectionIdleTime;privateintmaxConnectionLifeTime;//连接超时时间,必须大于0privateintconnectTimeout = 1000 * 10;//socket...
负值意味着无限期等待privateintserverSelectionTimeout = 1000 * 30;//线程等待连接变为可用的最长时间privateintmaxWaitTime = 1000 * 60 * 2;//线程池中连接的最大空闲时间privateintmaxConnectionIdleTime;privateintmaxConnectionLifeTime;//连接超时时间,必须大于0privateintconnectTimeout = 1000 * 10;//socket...
//设定最大连接池mongoSetting.WaitQueueSize = 500;//设定等待队列数mongoSetting.Server = new MongoServerAddress(ConnectionString, 27017);int count = MongoServer.MaxServerCount;MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(mongoSetting);//创建连接数据文件DB = server.GetDatabase("local");//创建数据库连接...
database默认的是test,mongodb中默认有两个数据库admin、local D:\Java\MongoDB\Server\bin>mongo 1. D:\Java\MongoDB\Server\bin>mongo 1. D:\Java\MongoDB\Server\bin>mongo 1. // 连接时不指定要连接数据库,需要时从连接中获取需要的数据库 D:\Java\MongoDB...