schema:sample:size:<integer>prejoin:<boolean>namespaces:<array of strings>uuidSubtype3Encoding:<[old|csharp|java]>stored:mode:<[custom|auto]>source:<string>name:<db-name>refreshIntervalSecs:<integer> 参数说明: 参数类型默认值对应的命令行参数说明 ...
Returns an array of substrings. If the delimiter is not found within the string, returns an array containing the original string. $strcasecmp Performs case-insensitive string comparison and returns: 0 if two strings are equivalent, 1 if the first string is greater than the second, and -1 if...
drivers and libraries for mongodb resources hub get help building the next big thing with mongodb connect developer center explore a wide range of developer resources community join a global community of developers courses and certification learn for free from mongodb events and webinars find an ev...
{key:value,key2:value2} 这是一个BSON的例子,其中key是字符串类型,后面的value值,它的类型一般是字符串,double,Array,ISODate等类型。 BSON有三个特点:轻量性、可遍历性、高效性 BSON在MongoDB中的使用 MongoDB使用了BSON这种结构来存储数据和网络数据交换。把这种格式转化成一文档这个概念(Document),这里的一...
自我管理 Enterprise Advanced自行运行和管理 MongoDBCommunity Edition使用 MongoDB 进行本地开发 工具 Compass在 GUI 中使用 MongoDB 数据集成与第三方服务集成Relational Migrator自信地迁移到 MongoDB 查看所有产品探索整个开发套件 使用MongoDB Atlas 构建应用 ...
The ARRAY data type. If the type attribute is configured asarray.jsonorarrays, fields of this data type are converted into JSON strings. If the type attribute is configured asarrayordocument.array, fields are concatenated as strings by using a delimiter. The delimiter is specified by the split...
Type: array of strings The list ofmongodnodes and their priority for saving oplog slices. The node with the highest priority is elected for saving oplog slices. If several nodes have the same priority, the one among them is randomly elected. ...
Array Supported The ARRAY data type. If the type attribute is configured as array.json or arrays, fields of this data type are converted into JSON strings. If the type attribute is configured as array or document.array, fields are concatenated as strings by using a delimiter. The delimiter...