在以下示例中,我们正在使用: Database:JavaTpointCollection:studentDocument:Six documents that contain the details of the students [ {"std_name":"Jack","sex":"Male","class":"VI","age":11,"Total_marks":303"Result":"Pass"}, {"std_name":"Jenny","sex":"Female","class":"VI","age":...
db.javatpoint.find().sort({"Course":-1}) 这将按降序显示文档。 { "_id" : ObjectId("564dbced8e2c097d15fbb603"), "Course" : "Web Designing", "det ails" : { "Duration" : "3 months", "Trainer" : "Rashmi Desai" }, "Batch" : [ { " size" : "Small", "qty" : 5 },...
Swithched to db javatpointdb 要检查当前选择的数据库,请使用命令db: >db javatpointdb 要检查数据库列表,请使用命令show dbs: >show dbs local 0.078GB 在此,列表中不存在您创建的数据库“ javatpointdb”,请在其中插入至少一个文档以显示数据库: >db.movie.insert({"name":"javatpoint"}) ...
上面的示例在学生数据库上创建一个用户admin @ javaTpoint。该命令为admin @ javatpoint赋予admin数据库上的clusterAdmin和readAnyDatabase角色,以及学生数据库上的readwrite角色。MongoDB dropUser命令MongoDB dropUser命令从运行命令的数据库中删除用户。句法:{ dropUser: "", writeConcern: { } } ...
>db.javatpoint.find() 复制 批量插入多个文档 在其最新版本的MongoDB(MongoDB 2.6)中,提供了Bulk()API,可用于批量执行多个写操作。 您应该按照以下步骤将一组文档插入MongoDB集合中。 初始化批量操作构建器 首先,初始化集合javatpoint的批量操作构建器。 var bulk = db.javatpoint.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(...
Database:JavaTpointCollection:StudentDocument:Six documents that contain the details of the students [ {"std_name":"Jack","sex":"Male","class":"VI","age":11,"grd_point":33}, {"std_name":"Jenny","sex":"Female","class":"VI","age":13,"grd_point":30}, ...
MongoDB $unwind operator with MongoDB Tutorial, Examples on CRUD, insert document, query document, update document, delete document, use database, projection etc.
MongoDB for Windows Server 2008 R2 edition This version of MongoDB runs only on Window Server 2008 R2, Window7 64 bit, and the newer version of windows. You can't operate it on older version of windows. MongoDb for 64 bit Windows ...
Database:JavaTpointCollection:studentDocument:Five documents that contain the details of the students >db.student.find() {"_id":ObjectId("56254d4fdf2222265r4g12ds3d65f"),"name":"Mick","Course":"btech","batch_year":2018,"language":["c++","java","python"],"personal_details": ...
What is the $gte operator in MongoDB? MongoDB provides a variety of comparison query operators. The $gte (greater than equal to) operator is one of those operators. The $gte operator is used to select documents where the value of the field is greater than or equal to (i.e. >=) the ...