1).update()命令 db.collection.update( criteria, objNew, upsert, multi ) criteria : update的查询条件,类似sql update查询内where后面的 objNew : update的对象和一些更新的操作符(如,,inc...)等,也可以理解为sql update查询内set后面的 upsert : 这个参数的意思是,如果不存在update的记录,是否插入objNew,...
一、创建数据库 使用原生,insert和save的区别是:insert只会无脑增加,而sava是“有则更新,无则增加”; //插入一条 db.user.insert({name:"a"}) //插入多条 db.user.insertMany({name:"a"},{name:"b"}) 1. 2. 3. 4. 使用mongoose创建基础格式; const mongoose = require('mongoose') congst schem...
> db.col.insert(document) #通过变量插入 > db.col.insertMany([{name:"A"},{name:"B"},{name:"C"}]) #这是批量插入多条文档 #这是三次插入的结果 插入一条记录 > db.fruit.insertOne({name:"apple"}) {"acknowledged" :true,"insertedId" :ObjectId("5dfcae3eebbe93035d7c6b55") } 插入...
方式一: insert: _id 会自动创建唯一索引,当id重复的时候会报错 db.集合名字.insert({}) // 插入一条,返回值中不包含insertedIds db.集合名字.insert([{}, {}]) // 批量插入,返回值中不包含insertedIds db.集合名字.insertOne(Bson) // 插入一条,返回值返回插入的insertedId db.集合名字.insertMany(Bs...
> db.test.insert({'_id': 'cswuyg', 'super_admin': true}) > db.test.findOne({'_id': 'cswuyg'}) { "_id" : "cswuyg", "super_admin" : true } db.test.update({'_id': 'cswuyg'}, {$set: {'super_admin': true}}) ...
插入insert/save Insert 如果主键相同则插入不成功,save则是更新这个文档 //定义文档 >doc = { “_id” : 1, “author” : “sam”, “title” : “i love you”, “text” : “this is a test”, “tags” : [ "love", "test" ], ...
if (propertyName != "_id") //实体键_id不允许更新 { fieldList.Add(Builders<T>.Update.Set(propertyName, propertyValue)); } } } await _dbSet.UpdateOneAsync(expression, Builders<T>.Update.Combine(fieldList)); } /// /// 异步
UpdateThe total number of update operations that are received after the mongod instance last started. InsertThe total number of insert operations that are received after the mongod instance last started. QueryThe total number of queries that are received after the mongod instance last started. ...
If no users exist, the localhost interface will continue to have access to the database until you create the first user. See Security for more information. --noauth Disables authentication. Currently the default. Exists for future compatibility and clarity. --ipv6 Enables IPv6 support. mongod ...
If the databasesalesDBalready exists MongoDB will return an error if if you attempt to create a database namedsalesdb. mixedCase=db.getSiblingDB('salesDB') lowerCase=db.getSiblingDB('salesdb') mixedCase.retail.insertOne({"widgets":1,"price":50}) ...