1.等于: 默认是等于判断, 没有运算符 2.小于:$lt (less than) 3.小于等于:$lte (less than equal) 4.大于:$gt (greater than) 5.大于等于:$gte 6.不等于:$ne 逻辑运算符 1.and:在json中写多个条件即可 2.or:使用$or, 值为数组, 数组中每个元素为json 3.范围运算符:使用$in,$nin判断数据是否在...
$lt < (less than ) $lte <= (less than or equal to ) $gt > (greater than ) $gte >= (greater than or equal to) $ne != (not equal to)不等于 {'age': {'$ne': 20}} $in 在范围内 {'age': {'$in': [20, 23]}} 注意用list $nin (not in) 不在范围内{'age': {'$nin'...
const greaterResult = await collection.find(greaterQuery).toArray(); console.log("Greater than:", greaterResult); // 查询name字段值小于"John"的文档 const lessQuery = { name: { $lt: "John" } }; const lessResult = await collection.find(lessQuery).toArray(); console.log("Less than:",...
等于:默认是等于判断,没有运算符 小于:$it (less than) 小于等于:$ite (less than equal) 大于:$gt (greater than) 大于等于:$gte (greater than equal) 不等于:$ne db.test.find({age:{$gte:18}}) #test中年龄大于等于18的记录 1. 2.范围运算符 使用“$in”,"$nin"判断是否在某个范围内 db.tes...
$lt < less than小于 $lte <= less than and equal小于等于 $gt > greater than大于 $gte >= greanter than and equal大于等于 $ne != not equal不等 简单的用法如下所示: 需求: 将小于30的用户查询出来: db.user.find({age:{$lt:30}},{_id:0}); ...
// greater than : field > valuedb.collection.find({"field":{$gt:value}});// less than : field < valuedb.collection.find({"field":{$lt:value}});// greater than or equal to : field >= valuedb.collection.find({"field":{$gte:value}});// less than or equal to : field <= ...
$gt --- greater than > $gte --- gt equal >= $lt --- less than < $lte --- lt equal <= $ne --- not equal != $eq --- equal = 参考: Runoob 教程:http://www.runoob.com/mongodb/mongodb-tutorial.html Tutorials 教程:Pointhttps://www.tutorialspoint.com/mongo...
'greater_than, less_than'枚举值在“/oneof[subschema # 3 : app services metric alert configuration]/metricthreshold/操作符”响应属性中添加了新的“greater_than, less_than”枚举值在“/oneof[subschema # 9 : host metric alert configuration]/metricthreshold/操作符”响应属性中添加了新的“greater_...
n can be greater than nmodified . update.nmodified the number of documents updated. if the update operation results in no change to the document, such as setting the value of the field to its current value, nmodified can be less than n . note if a subset of matched documents are updated...
AWS DMS doesn't support documents where the nesting level is greater than 97. AWS DMS doesn't support the following features of MongoDB version 5.0: Live resharding Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE) Timeseries collection migration ...