Driver Compatibility MongoDB Compatibility The following compatibility table specifies the recommended version(s) of the MongoDB Ruby driver for use with a specific version of MongoDB. Except when indicated, the specified driver versions expose or take advantage of the features added in the ...
Driver Compatibility Changes A driver upgrade is necessary to support the find and getMore commands. General Compatibility Changes In MongoDB 3.2, cursor.showDiskLoc() is deprecated in favor of cursor.showRecordId(), and both return a new document format. MongoDB 3.2 renamed the serverStatus...
Amazon DocumentDB supports MongoDB compatibility including MongoDB 4.0 and MongoDB 5.0. MongoDB compatibility means that a vast majority of the applications, drivers, and tools you already use today with your MongoDB databases can be used with Amazon DocumentDB with little or no change. This secti...
The driver currently supports 3.6+ servers. ** 3.6 support is deprecated and support will be removed in a future version ** For exhaustive server and runtime version compatibility matrices, please refer to the following links: MongoDB NodeJS ...
欢迎来到官方 MongoDB .NET/C# 驱动程序的文档站点。您可以将驱动程序添加到您的应用程序中,以便在 C# 中使用 MongoDB。使用 NuGet 下载驱动程序,或按照我们的快速入门指南设置可运行的项目。 以前版本 有关驱动程序 v2.18 及更早版本的文档,请参阅以前版本部分。
AWS Database Blog Amazon Document DB (with MongoDB compatibility)is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads. Its architecture supports up to 15 read replicas, so applications thatconnect as a replica setcan use driverre...
需要客户端使用MongoDB driver 3.6版本,以及需要数据库开启3.6特性参数featureCompatibilityVersion Retryable Writes 重试只会重试1次,。对于可重试写入,MongoDB驱动程序会在遇到网络错误或遇到副本集故障转移时自动重试这些操作,在此期间副本集没有primary。 限制: 1.只有副本集和shard可用 2.数据库要求WT或in-memory...
MongoDB是一种开源的、面向文档的NoSQL数据库,广泛应用于云计算领域。在访问配置集合时出现MongoDB权限错误可能是由于以下原因导致的: 访问权限不足:MongoDB通过角色和用户进行访问控制,如果当前用户没有访问配置集合的权限,就会出现权限错误。解决方法是通过授权用户具有访问配置集合的权限。 配置错误:在连接MongoDB时,...
you create an Amazon DocumentDB cluster. When you usereplicaSet=rs0in the connection string, it tells the MongoDB driver that you’re connecting as a replica set. The following diagram illustrates that, when connecting using replica set, the applicatio...
为了进行流量控制,副本集/分片分片集群必须具有:featureCompatibilityVersion (FCV) 和读关注(read concern)4.2majority enabled。也就是说,如果FCV不是4.2或已禁用读关注(read concern)多数,则启用的流量控制不起作用。 启用流量控制后,随着延迟接近flowControlTargetLagSeconds,主节点上的写入操作必须先获取票据,然后才能...