在db中删除数据是十分危险的事,建议使用logic delete,即在doc中增加一个field:IsDeleted,将其设置为1,表示该doc在逻辑上被删除,这种workaround将delete操作转换为一个update操作,比较安全。 MongoDB使用remove删除doc,语法如下, db.collection.remove(<query filter>, { justOne:<boolean>, writeConcern:<document>}...
下面是具体的代码: collection.updateMany({},{$unset:{fieldToDelete:1}},(err,result)=>{if(err)throwerr;console.log('字段删除成功');client.close();// 关闭数据库连接}); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 类图 MongoDB- url: string- client: object+connectToDB()+selectCollection()+deleteField() 饼...
{<field1>:<value1>,...} Aquery filter documentcan use thequery operatorsto specify conditions in the following form: {<field1>:{<operator1>:<value1>},...} 删除的行为表现 索引 Delete operations do not drop indexes, even if deleting all documents from a collection. 原子性 MongoDB中所有...
db.集合名称.find({ "field" : { $gt: value }}) // 大于: field > value db.集合名称.find({ "field" : { $lt: value }}) // 小于: field < value db.集合名称.find({ "field" : { $gte: value }}) // 大于等于: field >= value db.集合名称.find({ "field" : { $lte: value...
("Closed connection to MongoDB");}catch(error){console.error("Failed to close connection to MongoDB",error);throwerror;}}(async()=>{constclient=awaitconnectToMongoDB();constcollection=awaitgetCollection(client,"mydatabase","mycollection");awaitdeleteFieldFromCollection(collection,"myfield");...
insertOne(): Inserts a new document into the collection insertMany(): Inserts an array of documents into the collection updateOne() and updateMany(): Update one or more documents according to some criteria deleteOne() and deleteMany(): Delete documents from the collection ...
delete all documents mongodb shell c c# go java (async) java (sync) kotlin (coroutine) motor node.js perl php python ruby scala to delete all documents from a collection, pass an empty filter document {} to the db.collection.deletemany() method. the following example deletes all documents...
use xxdb //查询当前集合索引详细信息 db.col.getIndexes() //查询每个集合的索引数量 db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(col) { print("Indexes for " + col + ": " + db.getCollection(col).getIndexes().length); }) //创建索引 db.col.createIndex({"field3":1},{background:true}); ...
let: <document>, // Added in MongoDB 5.0 ordered: <boolean>, writeConcern: { <write concern> }, maxTimeMS: <integer> } ) Command Fields The command takes the following fields: Field Type Description delete string The name of the target collection. ...
Use one of the update operators in the update field to update your documents. Delete Document Operation ID: DeleteDocument To delete a single document, use the deleteOne endpoint. Use the filter property in the request body to specify the search criteria. If more than one document matches ...