For the database command, see thecreateUsercommand. For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specificMongoDB driver documentation. Thedb.createUser()method has the following syntax: Field Type Description user document The document with authentication and access information about the user to ...
1.When adding a role, you create the role in a specific database. 在添加角色时,是将角色添加到某个数据库下。 2.MongoDB uses the combination of the database and the role name to uniquely define a role. MongoDB使用 数据库和角色名 作为 角色的唯一标识。 3.MongoDB stores all role informat...
In MongoDB, users are defined for specific databases. Each user is then assigned a list of roles that in turn define the user’s privileges. Not surprisingly, MongoDB’s API therefore makes it easy to assign a user a list of roles via thegrantRolesToUsermethod: db.grantRolesToUser( "<...
To connect to Atlas, you must authenticate with a MongoDB database user. To create a database user for your cluster, seeConfigure Database Users. Possible solutions If you have created a user and are having trouble authenticating, try the following: ...
cleanupOrphanedRemoves orphaned data with shard key values outside of the ranges of the chunks owned by a shard. checkShardingIndexInternal command that validates index on shard key. enableShardingEnables sharding on a specific database. listShardsReturns a list of configured shards. ...
Only MongoDB 4.x and 5.x data sources are supported. Limits DataWorks allows you to use an account created for a MongoDB database to connect to the database. If you use an ApsaraDB for MongoDB data source, you can use the root account that is automatically created for the related Apsa...
Applies a JavaScript function for every document in a cursor. cursor.hasNext() Returns true if the cursor has documents and can be iterated. cursor.hint() Forces MongoDB to use a specific index for a query. cursor.isExhausted() Returns true if the cursor is closed and there are no object...
If you are not using the sandbox for the lab, and you want to specify the location where you would like to create your database and storage objects, add a-l LOCATIONNAMEparameter to theinit.shcall. Additionally, if you would like to specify a resou...
Now that you have imported data into your cluster, you can now view and modify them. You can also use Data Explorer’s Filter bar to search for specific documents, edit documents (i.e. add fields), then save your updates. View and Modify Data In Your MongoDB Atlas Cluster with Data ...
IMongoDatabase: Represents the Mongo database for running operations. This tutorial uses the generic GetCollection<TDocument>(collection) method on the interface to gain access to data in a specific collection. Run CRUD operations against the collection after this method is called. In the GetColle...