"namespace":"animal.MongoUser_58" "operation":"find" "command": {find:"MongoUser_58",filter: {$and: [ {lld: {$gte:18351} }, {fc: {$lt:120} }, {_id: {$nin: [1244093274] } }, {$or: [ {rc: {$exists:false} }, {rc: {$lte:1835400100} } ] }, {lv: {$gte:69} },...
//下面开始创建索引 > db.inventory.createIndex({item:1,unique:true}) 1. //使用下面的命令查看索引完成进度 > db.currentOp( { $or: [ { op: "command", "query.createIndexes": { $exists: true } }, { op: "insert", ns: /\.system\.indexes\b/ } ] } ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
isUnique:false,isSparse:false,isPartial:false,indexVersion:2,direction:'forward',indexBounds:{Title:['["The Lake House", "The Lake House"]']},keysExamined:1,seeks:1,dupsTested:0,dupsDropped:0}}},command:{find:'movies',filter:{Title:'The Lake House'},'$db':'book'},server...
如果您使用 0 的提交法定人数启动索引构建,则以后无法使用 setIndexCommitQuorum 修改提交法定人数。 副本集标记名称。 comment any 可选。用户提供的待附加到该命令的注释。设置后,该注释将与该命令的记录一起出现在以下位置: mongod 日志消息,位于 attr.command.cursor.comment 字段中。 command.comment 字段中的...
db.userinfos.createIndex({name:1},{unique:true}) 1. 2. 3. 创建TTL索引: TTL索引(TTL indexes)是一种特殊的单键索引,用于设置document的过期时间,mongoDB会在document过期后将其删除,TTL非常容易实现类似缓存过期策略的功能。我们看一个使用TTL索引的栗子: ...
js:133 server | throw err; server | ^ server | server | MongoError: command createIndexes requires authentication server | at Connection.<anonymous> (/server/node_modules/agenda/node_modules/mongodb/lib/core/connection/pool.js:466:61) server | at Connection.emit (events.js:314...
You can use the MongoDB command Create Index to do this. What is the MongoDB Create Index syntax? The MongoDBCreate Index method consists of the collection display, the actual command, the criterion for search queries, and a counting direction: > db.COLLECTION_NAME.createIndex ( {KEY:1}...
{ op: "command", "query.createIndexes": { $exists: true } }, { op: "insert", ns: /\.system\.indexes\b/ } ] } ) 然后,从返回的内容中找到类似于下面的内容,这串数字就是pid进程号; "opid":1153352, 最后,杀死pid进程 db.killOp(pid 进程号) ...
To enable free monitoring, run the following command: db.enableFreeMonitoring() To permanently disable this reminder, run the following command: db.disableFreeMonitoring() --- 2.版本查看 语句: db.version(); 查询结果: 3.数据库相关操作