>db.createUser({user:"bkUser2",pwd:"123",roles:[{role:"backup",db:"test"}]})Error:couldn't add user: No role named backup@test 验证新建用户: **用户在哪个库新建授权,则需要在哪个库进行auth验证**>db ---查看当前所在库test>db.createUser({user:'test1',pwd:'test1',roles:[{role:'r...
Once authenticated as the user administrator, use db.createUser() to create additional users. You can assign any built-in roles or user-defined roles to the users. The myUserAdmin user only has privileges to manage users and roles. As myUserAdmin, if you attempt to perform any other operati...
(2)createRole 你可以利用createRole命令来创建一个角色并指定其权限。该角色将适用于你选择运行该命令的数据库。如果该角色已经存在于数据库中,createRole命令将返回一个重复的角色错误。 要执行这个命令,请按照给定的语法进行。 db.adminCommand( { createRole: "<new role>", privileges: [ { resource: { <re...
An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free. An active Microsoft Purview account. You need Data Source Administrator and Data Reader permissions to register a source and manage it in the Microsoft Purview governance portal. For more information about permissions, see ...
自定义安装路径 安装为服务并配置用户名密码 选择自定义用户名密码会报错 Account Domain: . Account Name: administrator(登录电脑的用户名) Account Password: 登录电脑的密码 勾选掉MongoDB罗盘 安装完成后程序(mongod.exe)作为服务在运行 安装后配置环境变量到Path中,方便随时可运行mongo.exe文件 ...
An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free. An active Microsoft Purview account. You need Data Source Administrator and Data Reader permissions to register a source and manage it in the Microsoft Purview governance portal. For more information about permissions, see ...
Create a user administrator first, then create additional users. Create a unique MongoDB user for each person/application that accesses the system. 首先创建一个管理员用户,然后再创建其他的用户。为每一人/应用程序创建唯一的用户以访问系统。
您必须以 Administrator 身份打开命令解释器。 1 Create database directory. Create the data directory where MongoDB stores data. MongoDB's default data directory path is the absolute path \data\db on the drive from which you start MongoDB. 从Command Interpreter 创建数据目录: cd C:\ md "\data...
2.数据库开机 mongod --dbpath 文件夹路径例如:mongod --dbpath C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mongoData 最后出现waiting for connctions prot : 27017就表示数据库已经启动成功了注意: 电脑的权限; 开机以后当前的cmd命令窗口就不要动了,因为数据库也是一种服务,关闭了就停止了。直接最小化就不用去管它了 ...
1.下载安装包 官方下载地址:https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community 2.安装图解 注意:新版...