在容器中,localhost是指容器本身。因此,当Mongo Express尝试连接到localhost上的数据库时,它会在Mongo ...
下面是一个示例代码片段,将连接超时时间设置为30秒: StringconnectionString="mongodb://localhost:27017";MongoClientSettingssettings=MongoClientSettings.builder().applyConnectionString(newConnectionString(connectionString)).applyToSocketSettings(builder->builder.connectTimeout(30000,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)).build()...
mongodb://admin:123456@localhost/test 更多连接实例 连接本地数据库服务器,端口是默认的。 mongodb://localhost 使用用户名fred,密码foobar登录localhost的admin数据库。 mongodb://fred:foobar@localhost 使用用户名fred,密码foobar登录localhost的baz数据库。 mongodb://fred:foobar@localhost/baz 连接replica pair,...
for more examples, see connection string examples . connection string components a connection string includes the following components: component description mongodb:// or mongodb+srv:// a required prefix to identify that this is a string in the standard connection format ( mongodb:// ) or srv...
Complex connection string format. We can also connect the MongoDB database server locally by using a local address. We need to use the hostname as localhost or IP address as to connect the local database server. We can also connect the MongoDB atlas cluster using the mongo shell...
在ASP.NET开发的网站根目录,有一个名为web.config的文件,顾名思义,这是为整个网站进行配置的文件,其格式为XML格式。 这里 主要谈谈文件中的<connectionStrings>节。 <connectionStrings>节是对连接到数据库的字符串进行配置,由于MS SQL Server与ASP.NET同属于微软的产品,因此是使用ASP.NET开发时首选的数据库是...
static async Task Main(string[] args) { // MongoDB连接字符串 var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27017"; // 创建MongoClient实例 var client = new MongoClient(connectionString); // 获取或创建数据库 var database = client.GetDatabase("myDatabase"); ...
{ "BookStoreDatabase": { "ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017", "DatabaseName": "BookStore", "BooksCollectionName": "Books" }, "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*" } 次のコードを使用して、...
The following provide example URI strings for common connection targets. Database Server Running Locally¶ The following connects to a database server running locally on the default port: mongodb://localhost adminDatabase¶ The following connects and logs in to theadmindatabase as usersysopwith...
Connection string接受針對您的 Cosmos DB 帳戶產生的連接字串 選取[下一步:資料庫設定]。 在[資料庫設定]頁面上,輸入下列詳細資料: 屬性值 來源資料庫DeviceData 目標資料庫DeviceData 輸送量 (RU/秒)1000 清除集合清除此方塊 選取[下一步:集合設定]。