MongoDB Compass, the GUI for MongoDB, is the easiest way to explore and manipulate your data. Download for free for dev environments.
//💻 Download MongoDB Compass: 00:00 - Intro 01:38 - Install MongoDB Compass 01:56 - Connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster 02:55 - Filtering 03:16 - Aggregation Tab 05:30 - Schema Tab 05:46 - Explain Plan Tab 06:29 - ...
compass mongodb 安装 mongodb怎么安装 一、下载及安装MongoDB 1.下载方法 官网地址:依次点击Try free,On-Premise,MongoDB Community Server,Download,下载社区版 2.安装 下载完成之后打开后缀 .msi 文件开始安装 选择Next之后,选择custom再点击Next,custom是自定义安装,默认路径是C:\Progra...
mongodb下载地址:,选择zip压缩包 mongosh下载:,6.0之后不会自带mongoshell,因此需要自己下载对应的工具包然后解压缩到mongodb的bin目录下 mongocompass:,mongodb的gui连接工具...
I have tried Compass, dbKoda and the mongo shell before. I will say Studio 3T was so handy and an easy to use tool which solved many of my problems. Aggregation works like a charm. Kam Trivedi, Data Consultant at Allied Technical Services ...
Installing Compass You can install compass using theinstall_compassscript packaged with MongoDB: $ ./install_compass This will download the appropriate MongoDB Compass package for your platform and install it. Drivers Client drivers for most programming languages are available athttps://docs.mongodb....
wget Copy Then install the.debpackage withapt: sudoaptinstall./mongodb-compass_1.28.4_amd64.deb Copy This command will install the Compass package along with all necessary dependencies. ...
下一步安装"install mongoDB compass"不勾选(当然你也可以选择安装它,可能需要更久的安装时间),MongoDB Compass 是一个图形界面管理工具,我们可以在后面自己到官网下载安装,下载地址:。
compass.png 2.5 选择安装MongoDB连接工具 这里安装工具笔者选择使用Robo 3T,不实用官方提供的MongoDB Compass连接工具。 Robo 3T,官方地址: Studio 3T为Robo 3T的升级版本,不好之处为收费软件,笔者建议读者尊重知识产权,如需使用更为强大的工具Studio 3T,请购买正版软件。
Once the MongoDB Atlas Cluster is set up, locate your newly created cluster, click the "Connect" button and select the "Compass" section. Copy the provided connection string. It should resemble something like this:mongodb+srv://<username>:<password> Note You...