将MongoDB Community 部署迁移到 Atlas 概述 重要 对于通过 Ops Manager 管理或监控的源部署,实时迁移(推送)已弃用或不受支持 对于运行任何 MongoDB 6.0 及更高版本的源部署,通过 Ops Manager 管理或监控其中的部署时,实时迁移(推送)不受支持。 对于运行任何 MongoDB 5.0 及更早版本的源部署,通过 Ops Manager ...
Get your ideas to market faster with a developer data platform built on the leading modern database. MongoDB makes working with data easy.
MongoDB有以下几种形式:MongoDB Atlas是一个数据库即服务的产品,运行在所有主要的云平台上(AWS、微软Azure和谷歌云平台)。MongoDB Community edition是一个开放的免费数据库,可以安装在Linux、Windows或Mac OS上。MongoDB企业版基于MongoDB社区版,附加的功能只能通过MongoDB企业高级订阅获得。Enterprise Advanced包括对...
LICENSE-Community.txt SERVER-37651Fix typo in license files Oct 18, 2018 OWNERS.yml SERVER-99177Add Build team back to BUILD.bazel as a codeowner (#31182) Jan 17, 2025 README.md SERVER-91333: Reference mongosh in README instead of mongo shell (#25… ...
价格性能结果摘要: MongoDB vs ScyllaDB 对于社交工作负载,与 MongoDB Atlas 相比,ScyllaDB 为小规模扩展提供了 5 倍的操作/美元,为中型规模扩展提供了 5.7 倍的操作/美元。 对于热点分布,ScyllaDB 为小规模扩展提供了 9 倍的操作/美元,为中型规模扩展提供了 12.7 倍的操作/美元。
community meetup mongodb call-for-papers mongodbatlas Updated May 12, 2022 SamsonPN / A-Better-U Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests A Health and Fitness App created by a passionate gym bro. Technologies used: MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS react nodejs heroku express node mongodb cha...
MongoDB Community: The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB Note You can't perform bulk write operations in the Atlas UI. To insert multiple documents, you must insert an array of documents. To learn more, see Create, View, Update, and Delete Documents in ...
Try MongoDB Atlas products free. Developers can choose to use in the cloud or download locally. Either way, our software makes it easy to work with data.
在Microsoft Entra ID 中控制谁有权访问 MongoDB Atlas、MongoDB Community、MongoDB University 和 MongoDB Support。 让用户能够使用其 Microsoft Entra 帐户自动登录到 MongoDB Atlas - SSO。 根据用户的 Microsoft Entra 组成员身份向用户分配 MongoDB Atlas 角色。
Autocomplete queries in the mongo shell, drag and drop, or even query with SQL. Try Studio 3T, your ultimate GUI for MongoDB.