db.killOp(opid) kills the current operation in the db db.listCommands() lists all the db commands db.logout() db.printCollectionStats() db.printReplicationInfo() db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() db.printShardingStatus() db.removeUser(username) db.repairDatabase() db.resetError() db.runCommand...
db.foo.find( { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a ==1 it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate 如果想知道当前数据库⽀持哪些⽅法:CODE:> db.help();Java代码收藏代码 DB methods:db.addUser(username, password) 添加数据库授权⽤户 db.auth(username, ...
You can then issue MongoDB commands like the following: show dbs;— Show all databases use mongodemo;— Use a specific database show collections;— List collections in a database db.person.find();— List all documents in a collection exit;— Exit/close the shell Shut down MongoDB by run...
listDatabases Yes listCommands Hayır profiler Hayır serverStatus Hayır top Hayır whatsmyuri YesToplama ardışık düzeniToplama komutlarıTabloyu genişlet KomutDesteklenir aggregate Yes count Yes distinct Yes mapReduce HayırToplama...
listCommands Hayır profiler Hayır serverStatus Hayır top Hayır whatsmyuri EvetToplama ardışık düzeniMongoDB için Azure Cosmos DB aşağıdaki toplama komutlarını destekler.Toplama komutlarıTabloyu genişlet ...
listCommands 無 profiler 無 serverStatus 無 top 無 whatsmyuri Yes彙總管線 彙總命令展開資料表 Command支援 aggregate Yes count .是 distinct 是 mapReduce No彙總階段展開資料表 Command支援 addFields 是 bucket 無 bucketAuto 無 changeStream .是 collStats 無 count .是 currentOp 無 facet .是 geoNear...
You can quickly deploy the sample app in this tutorial and see it running in Azure. Just run the following commands in the Azure Cloud Shell, and follow the prompt:Bash Copy mkdir msdocs-spring-boot-mongodb-sample-app cd msdocs-spring-boot-mongodb-sample-app azd init --template msdocs...
listCommands 是 是 是 是 profiler 是 是 是 否 serverStatus 是 是 是 是 top 是 是 是 是 查詢和寫入操作 Command3.64.05.0彈性叢集 Change streams 是 是 是 否 刪除 是 是 是 是 find 是 是 是 是 findAndModify 是 是 是 是 getLastError 否 否 否 否 getMore 是 是 是 是 ...
Amazon DocumentDB counts some internal commands toward the OpCountersCommand. Admin databases and collections Amazon DocumentDB does not support the admin or local database nor MongoDB system.* or startup_log collections respectively. cursormaxTimeMS In Amazon DocumentDB, cursor.maxTimeMS resets the ...